Web Java Attack With SET on Backtrack V
ya di jaringan local ampuhnya ini mah .. klo untuk target berfirewall maka terkadang surem ... di detect

pas ane buka IP di komputer victim malah reload trus web clone ny....trus ga respon ke meterpreter ny....kenapa ya....maaf banyak nanya maklum neubie...yg lag belajar..

(12-04-2011, 09:34 PM)budoch Wrote: pas ane buka IP di komputer victim malah reload trus web clone ny....trus ga respon ke meterpreter ny....kenapa ya....maaf banyak nanya maklum neubie...yg lag belajar..

komputer victim antivirusnya aktif ? terus pake antivirus apa bro ?

Thumbs Up 
wuihh mantap OM..., di jajal dulu deh..., sipp Go ke TKP dulu OM,,
nice share OM.., Big Grin :apn:Cool
Go IBTeam..
root@bt:~# cat about_me
I'm just a linuxer....!!! ^_^

mana yang harus kita jalankan terlebih dahulu?? dns_spoofing dengan ettercap? atau cloning web di SET?
maaf, masih bingung..

di clonning dulu mas bro bru di spoof

saat memilih 2) Website Attack Vectors
muncul tulisan kaya' gini om..

Sorry. Metasploit was not found. This feature does not work properly without Metasploit
Press {return} to go back to the main menu

cara ngatasinya gimana ya om ?
mohon pencerahannya..
Udah gini aja :v

(08-07-2012, 12:06 AM)eMJe009 Wrote: saat memilih 2) Website Attack Vectors
muncul tulisan kaya' gini om..

Sorry. Metasploit was not found. This feature does not work properly without Metasploit
Press {return} to go back to the main menu

cara ngatasinya gimana ya om ?
mohon pencerahannya..

sebenernya di errornya itu ada tulisannya yg lebih lengkap, ya kan? Tongue
ada tulisan "[!] Please configure in the config/set_config. Press {return} to continue"

artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia itu buka file set_config di folder config di dalam folder set, kemudian ganti metasploit_path nya sesuai dengan lokasi metasploit di BT5 mu Big Grin

Quote:# DEFINE THE PATH TO METASPLOIT HERE, FOR EXAMPLE /pentest/exploits/framework3
#(this is the default path of set_config for metasploit which I dont have so basically I presumed this was the problem - tryed dif. installations of framework3, but the directory doesn't aper as such)
# (tryed changed it to this default, based on my version and what I found in my files, useing the locate command to find other frameworks but it doesn't work)

thx om pencerahnyaa Big Grin
sekarang udh berfungsi lancar..
Udah gini aja :v

t4 ane kyk gnie om

WARNING: Database support has been disabled

database yang dimaksd database mana y om..>???
terus aktifinnya gmn,,??

Mohon pencerahanya om.,
Big Grin
Dari Hati Untuk Raga dan Untuk Kalian

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