[share] bt5-fixit

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# Authors:      phillips321 ([email protected])
#               Ari Davies  ([email protected])
#               Rich Hicks  (about.me/R.Hicks)
# License:      CC BY-SA 3.0
# Use:          Brings tools on BackTrack5 to bleeding edge
#               and adds missing tools
# Released:     www.phillips321.co.uk
version="2.8" #Jan/2012
# Changelog:
# v2.8 - Added tsocks (tsocks openssl s_client -connect www.target.com:443)
# v2.71 - Fixed nmap issues with updating.
# v2.7 - Added tool to get missing repo keys, unetbootin and parcellite. Also added missing repos
# v2.6 - Added volatility v2.0, DHCP server and changed a few sources for apt
# v2.5 - Added many new fixes by recommendations of Michael Haberland (see below)
#                       Fixed pulseaudio so that sound now works by default
#                       Installed latest version of ophcrack v3.3.1
#                       Added apt alias for apt-get like in Mint
#                       Added option to auto login as root
#                       Added option to auto startx after root login
#                       Improved gnome-network-manager installation
#                       Fixed metasploit updater
#                       Added UPX-packing and signature stealing to fast-track
# v2.4 - Fixed framework3 to now be framework and turned nmap fingers to default to off
# v2.3 - Fixed an issue with Google PGP key import & SQLMap installation
# v2.2 - Plenty of spelling mistakes now fixed. Cheers Rich Hicks
# v2.1 - Added version 7.0 of hydra (and xhydra)
# v2.0 - Added meld program (quick visual diff between 2/3 files)
# v1.9 - Added tree command
# v1.8 - Added cisco-decrypt tool for pcf encrypred passwords (cisco client vpn)
#      - Added arduino, teensy and teensyduino
#      - Added missing tiger, creepy and arduino to install options
# v1.7 - Added tsclient, moved dropbox location and changed default option to No
# v1.6.1 - Fixed slight mistake in latest addition, Whoops!
# v1.6 - Added tiger, creepy, netwox and arduino. Added sshkey and wicd configuration
# v1.5 - Added deluge bittorent client and jockey-gtk for driver installations
# v1.4 - BRUTEFORCE recommended adding the following:
#                       removal of istall icon
#                       changing of password
#                       addition of mono, recordmydesktop and terminator
#                       ability to install dropbox
#                       removal of i_set option
#                       added apt-get autoremove to end of sections to clean up
# v1.3 - Added clear after diaog and changes openvas setup message
# v1.2 - Added mz, scapy, FernWifiCracker
# v1.1 - Added -u flag to allow skipping to updates function
# v1.0 - Official Release
# v0.4 - Cleaned up and added TUI checklist
# v0.3 - Added nipper, fwbuilder and routerdefense
# v0.2 - Clean with more missing apps
# v0.1 - First release
# ToDo:
# - Check if root password is toor (and if it is offer to change it)
# - Remove duplicate WBarConf from the Applications-->Accessories menu
welcome_msg() { #Introduction messagebox
        dialog --title "bt5-fixit.sh" \
        --msgbox "Authors: phillips321 ([email protected])
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Use: Brings tools on BackTrack5 to bleeding edge and adds missing tools
Released: www.phillips321.co.uk
Version: ${version}" 10 60
rootcheck() { #checks to see if user is root
        if [ `echo -n $USER` != "root" ]
                dialog --title "EPIC FAIL" --msgbox "You can only run this tool as root" 8 60
                exit 1
netcheck() { #checks the internet is working
        if [ `ping -c 1 -s 1000 google.com |grep received | awk -F, '{print $2}' |awk '{print $1}' ` -eq 1 ]
                echo "Net connection working"
                dialog --title "EPIC FAIL" --msgbox "You need a net connection to continue..." 8 60
                echo "You need a net connection to continue..."
                exit 1
        fi      ;}
extra_repositories() { #this adds extra repos allowing more software to be installed
                cd /tmp
        grep fwbuilder /etc/apt/sources.list ; addrepos=$?
        if [ ${addrepos} = "1" ] #check to see if repos have already been added
                dialog --title "Extra Repositories"  --yesno "We are now going to install extra repositories and update from them in order for this tool to function. Do you want to continue?" 8 60
                if [ ${return} == 1 ]
                        dialog --title "EPIC FAIL" --msgbox "If you're worried about adding extra repo's please check the code to see which ones are added, the function is called extra_repositories funnily enough..." 8 60
                        echo "If you're worried about adding extra repo's please check the code to see which ones are added, the function is called extra_repositories funnily enough"
                        exit 1
                apt-get install -y python-software-properties
            apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4E5E17B5
                add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/stable
                wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add -
                echo "deb http://packages.fwbuilder.org/deb/stable/ lucid contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
                wget http://www.fwbuilder.org/PACKAGE-GPG-KEY-fwbuilder.asc && apt-key add PACKAGE-GPG-KEY-fwbuilder.asc
                rm PACKAGE-GPG-KEY-fwbuilder.asc
                echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main #Google Stable Source" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
                wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | apt-key add -
                echo "deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ lenny non-free #Opera Official Source" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    echo "deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu lucid-getdeb apps #GetDeb Software Portal" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list
    wget -q -O- http://archive.getdeb.net/getdeb-archive.key | apt-key add -
                add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa
                add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
                add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
    add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team/ppa
    add-apt-repository ppa:gnome-terminator/ppa
    add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
    add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
                apt-get update
                apt-get -y dist-upgrade
                apt-get -y autoclean
                dialog --title "bt5-fixit.sh" --msgbox "Repositories have been added and standard updates applied, moving on" 10 60
                dialog --title "bt5-fixit.sh" --msgbox "Repositories already added, moving on" 10 60
configuration_stuff(){ #changes small things that have been overlooked in BackTrack
        dialog --title "Configuration Changes Selection" --separate-output --output-fd 2 --checklist "What minor changes do you wish to make?" 0 0 0 \
                fixsplash "fix the broken splash after an install" on \
                bashcompletion "allow bash completion" on \
                kernelsources "Install kernel sources" on \
                RemoveInstallIcon "Removes install backtrack icon from desktop" on \
                password "asks for a new password for the system" on \
                missing-drivers "allows easy install of nVidia, AMD and Wireless Drivers" on \
                ssh-keys "creates ssh keys for ssh server" on \
                wicd "configure usage of wicd" off \
                fixsound "make sure pulseaudio starts with gnome" on \
                aptalias "create alias for APT (Like Linux Mint)" on \
                autologin "auto login as root" off \
                autostartx "auto startx after login" off \
                gnomenetworkmanager "gnome network manager in taskbar(top right)" off \
                2> /tmp/answer
        result=`cat /tmp/answer` && rm /tmp/answer ; clear
        for opt in ${result}
                echo "###############################################"
                echo "Now running ${opt} "
                echo "###############################################"
                sleep 2
                case ${opt} in
                        fixsplash) : do ; fix-splash ;;
                        bashcompletion) : do ; sed -i '/# enable bash completion in/,+3{/enable bash completion/!s/^#//}' /etc/bash.bashrc ; echo "Bash Completion enabled" ;;
                        kernelsources) : do ; prepare-kernel-sources ; cd /usr/src/linux ; cp -rf include/generated/* include/linux/ ;;
                        RemoveInstallIcon) : do ; if [ -f /root/Desktop/backtrack-install.desktop ]; then rm /root/Desktop/backtrack-install.desktop ; fi ;;
                        password) : do ; echo "Time to change your password" ; passwd ;;
                        missing-drivers) : do ; apt-get -y install jockey-gtk ;;
                        ssh-keys) : do ; sshd-generate ;;
                        wicd) : do ; dpkg-reconfigure wicd ; update-rc.d wicd defaults ;;
                        fixsound) : do ; cd /root/.config/ ; mkdir autostart ; cd autostart ; touch pulseaudio.desktop ; echo -e "\n[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nExec=/usr/bin/pulseaudio\nHidden=false\nNoDisplay=false\nX-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true\nName[en_US]=PulseAudio Sound System\nName=PulseAudio Sound System\nComment[en_US]=Start the PulseAudio Sound System\nComment=Start the PulseAudio Sound System" > pulseaudio.desktop ;;
                        aptalias) : do ; touch /root/.bash_aliases ; echo alias apt='apt-get' > /root/.bash_aliases ;;
                        autologin) : do ; apt-get -y install rungetty ; sed -i 's/exec /#exec /' /etc/init/tty1.conf ; echo exec /sbin/rungetty tty1 --autologin root >> /etc/init/tty1.conf ;;
                        autostartx) : do ; touch /root/.bash_profile ; echo startx > /root/.bash_profile ;;
                        gnomenetworkmanager) : do ; i_gnomenetworkmanager ;;
                sleep 2
missing_stuff(){ #installs software that is missing that many people rely on!
        dialog --separate-output --output-fd 2 --title "Missing Tools" --checklist "What do you want to add to BackTrack? (This is missing stuff that for some reason they didn't include!)" 0 0 0 \
                build-essential "contains the tools required for building software" on \
                linux-headers "includes the header files for the kernel" on \
                linux-source "includes the source files for the kernel" on \
                filezilla "an FTP client" on \
                synaptic "gui for aptitude" on \
                geany "Text editor for programmers" on \
                netsed "changes network packets off the fly" on \
                arp-scan "allows enumeration of devices off subnet" on \
                shutter "great screenshot utility for gnome" on \
                gnome-web-photo "allows screenshots to be taken of URLs" on \
                vino "Gnome VNC server" on \
                etherape "grpahical network monitor" on \
                gufw "gnome frontend for UbuntuFireWall" on \
                htop "like top but more functions" on \
                libssl-dev "SSL development libraries" on \
                scapy "packet manipulation program" on \
                python-dev "python development libraries" on \
                chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra "chromium extras" on \
                chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree "chromium extras" on \
                opera "another web browser, the more the merrier" on \
                flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound "adobe flash plugin extras" on \
                flashplugin-nonfree "adobe flash plugin " on \
                p7zip-full "7zip archive utility" on \
                p7zip-rar "7zip archive rar capabilities" on \
                file-roller "gnome based archive mounter" on \
                giplet "Gnome applet to display IP (Rightclick toolbar-> add to panel)" on \
                ubuntu-tweak "configure gnome (max,min,close button location)" on \
                python-vte "python terminal emulator libraries" on \
                compiz-plugins "compiz plugins for the matrix effect" on \
                screen "allows multiple terminals in one session" on \
                fwbuilder "allows creation/import of firewall rulesets" on \
                mz "allows creation of packets" on \
                scapy "allows creation of packets" on \
                gcalctool "default gnome calculator" on \
                gtk-recordmydesktop "allows you to easily record your entire screen" on \
                mono-runtime "mono runtime tools" on \
                mono-devel "mono development libraries" off \
                terminator "terminal emulator with advanced features" on \
                deluge "bittorent client" on \
                netwox "network toolbox" on \
                tsclient "Terminal Servers Client" on \
                tree "Linux tree command" on \
                meld "Quick way to show a visual diff between 2/3 files" on \
                dhcp3-server "Add a DHCP server to BT5" on \
    launchpad-getkeys "Manage missing keys for repositories" on \
    unetbootin "Allows creation of bootable USB drives from ISOs" on \
    parcellite "Management of the clipboard" on \
    tsocks "allows connection from terminal to HTTPS" on \
                2> /tmp/answer
        result=`cat /tmp/answer` && rm /tmp/answer ; clear
        apt-get install -y ${result}
        apt-get -y clean
        apt-get -y autoremove
install_stuff(){ #removes existing packages and replaces them with svn versions
        dialog --title "Install from SVN"  --yesno "We are now going to install packages from svn source. This will allow updating to the latest versions. Do you want to continue?" 8 60
        if [ ${return} == 0 ]
                dialog --separate-output --output-fd 2 --title "Convert to SVN" --checklist "What packages do you want to install/convert to SVN installs?" 0 0 0 \
                wifite "mass wep/wpa cracker" on \
                w3af "Web Application Attack and Audit Framework" on \
                openvas "Open Vulnerability Assessment System" on \
                set "Social engineering Toolkit" on \
                blindelephant "Web Application Fingerprinter" on \
                sqlmap "Automatic SQL injection" on \
                nikto "Web server scanner" on \
                routerdefense "Cisco auditer" on \
                pyrit "Install pyrit!" off \
                fernwificracker "GUI based wifi cracker" on \
                dropbox "Install Dropbox" off \
                tiger "tiger" on \
                creepy "creepy" on \
                arduino "Arduino based tools (includes teensy addons)" off \
                cisco-decrypt "Allows decode of pcf password hashes" on \
                hydra "Latest v7.0 of hydra including xhydra" on \
                msfupdater "fixes metasploit updater" on \
                fasttrack "add UPX-packing and signature stealing to fasttrack" on \
                volatility "installs version 2.0 of volatility" on \
                2> /tmp/answer
                result=`cat /tmp/answer` && rm /tmp/answer ; clear
                for opt in ${result}
                        echo "###############################################"
                        echo "Now installing: ${opt}"
                        echo "###############################################"
                        sleep 2
                        case ${opt} in
                                wifite) : do ; i_wifite ;;
                                w3af) : do ; i_w3af ;;
                                openvas) : do ; i_openvas ;;
                                blindelephant) : do ; i_blindelephant ;;
                                sqlmap) : do ; i_sqlmap ;;
                                exploitdb) : do ; i_exploitdb ;;
                                routerdefense) : do ; i_routerdefense ;;
                                pyrit) : do ; i_pyrit ;;
                                fernwificracker) : do ; i_fernwificracker ;;
                                dropbox) : do ; i_dropbox ;;
                                tiger) : do ; i_tiger ;;
                                creepy) : do ; i_creepy ;;
                                arduino) : do ; i_arduino ;;
                                cisco-decrypt) : do ; i_cisco-decrypt ;;
                                hydra) : do ; i_hydra ;;
                                ophcrack) : do ; i_ophcrack ;;
                                msfupdater) : do ; i_msfupdater ;;
                                fasttrack) : do ; apt-get install -y python-pefile upx ;;
                                volatility) : do ; i_volatility ;;
                        sleep 2
                echo "skipped svn install"
        apt-get -y clean
        apt-get -y autoremove
update_stuff(){ #updates packages previously converted to svn
        dialog --separate-output --output-fd 2 --title "Tool Updater" --checklist "What packages do you want to update?" 0 0 0 \
                msf "update me?" on \
                w3af "update me?" on \
                openvas "update me?" on \
                set "update me?" on \
                fasttrack "update me?" on \
                blindelephant "update me?" on \
                sqlmap "update me?" on \
                nikto "update me?" on \
                exploitdb "update me?" on \
                nessus "update me?" on \
                routerdefense "update me?" on \
                warvox "update me?" on \
                aircrack "update me?" on \
                giskismet "update me?" on \
                nmap "update nmap fingerprints?" on \
                fimap "update me?" on \
                wifite "update me?" on \
                fernwificracker "update me?" on \
                2> /tmp/answer
        result=`cat /tmp/answer` && rm /tmp/answer ; clear
        for opt in ${result}
                echo "###############################################"
                echo "Now updating: ${opt}"
                echo "###############################################"
                sleep 2
                case ${opt} in
                        wifite) : do ; u_wifite ;;
                        msf) : do ; u_msf ;;
                        w3af) : do ; u_w3af ;;
                        openvas) : do ; u_openvas ;;
                        set) : do ;u_set ;;
                        fasttrack) : do ;u_fasttrack ;;
                        blindelephant) : do ;u_blindelephant ;;
                        sqlmap) : do ; u_sqlmap ;;
                        nikto) : do ; u_nikto ;;
                        exploitdb) : do ; u_exploitdb ;;
                        nessus) : do ; u_nessus ;;
                        routerdefense) : do ; u_routerdefense ;;
                        warvox) : do ; u_warvox ;;
                        aircrack) : do ; u_aircrack ;;
                        giskismet) : do ; u_giskismet ;;
                        nmap) : do ; u_nmap ;;
                        fimap) : do ; u_fimap ;;
                        fernwificracker) : do ; u_fernwificracker ;;
                sleep 2
        apt-get -y clean
        apt-get -y autoremove  
goodbye_msg() {
        dialog --title "bt5-fixit.sh" --msgbox "Updates Complete!
In the future you can run this command with the -u flag" 10 60
help_msg() { # help message
        echo -e "Usage: $0 [options]
  -u : Update packages (only use me after you have run the script normally)
  -h : This help message!
        $0 fiu"
        exit 1
### Installers for each program ########################################################################################
i_wifite() {
        cd /pentest/wireless/
        wget -O wifite.py http://wifite.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/wifite.py
        chmod +x wifite.py ; }
i_w3af() {
        cp /usr/share/applications/backtrack-w3af-gui.desktop /tmp/.
        cp /usr/share/applications/backtrack-w3af-console.desktop /tmp/.
        cp /usr/share/app-install/desktop/w3af.desktop /tmp/.
        apt-get purge -y w3af
        cd /pentest/web
        svn co https://w3af.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/w3af/trunk w3af
        cp /tmp/backtrack-w3af-gui.desktop /usr/share/applications/.
        cp /tmp/backtrack-w3af-console.desktop /usr/share/applications/.
        cp /tmp/w3af.desktop /usr/share/applications/. ; }
i_openvas() {
        apt-get install -y openvas-scanner
        dialog --title "OpenVAS install" \
        --msgbox "You are about to setup OpenVAS. These are the setup instructions, read them!
During install a certificate will be created - Just press [Enter] 7 times
Enter the username - most people use root[Enter]
Tell OpenVas you want to use a password - Just press [Enter]
Enter the password - most people use toor
Enter blank rules if you wish - Ctrl-D when done
Tell OpenVas you're happy with the settings - Just press [Enter]" 20 70
i_blindelephant() {
        cp /usr/share/applications/backtrack-blindelephant.desktop /tmp/.
        apt-get purge -y blindelephant
        cd /pentest/web
        svn co https://blindelephant.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/blindelephant/trunk blindelephant
        cd blindelephant/src
        python setup.py install
        cp /tmp/backtrack-blindelephant.desktop /usr/share/applications/. ; }
i_sqlmap() {
        cp /usr/share/applications/backtrack-sqlmap.desktop /tmp/.
        apt-get purge -y sqlmap
        cd /pentest/web/scanners
        svn co https://svn.sqlmap.org/sqlmap/trunk/sqlmap sqlmap
        ln -s /pentest/web/scanners/sqlmap /pentest/database/
        cp /tmp/backtrack-sqlmap.desktop /usr/share/applications/. ; }
i_nikto() {
        cp /usr/share/applications/backtrack-nikto.desktop /tmp/.
        apt-get purge -y nikto
        cd /pentest/web/
        svn co http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/Nikto_2/trunk/ nikto
        cd nikto
        ./nikto.pl -update
        cp /tmp/backtrack-nikto.desktop /usr/share/applications/. ; }
i_routerdefense() { svn checkout http://routerdefense.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ /vaw/www/routerdefense ;}
i_pyrit() {
        apt-get -y install libssl-dev scapy python-dev
        cd /tmp/
        svn checkout http://pyrit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ pyrit_svn
        cd pyrit_svn/pyrit && python setup.py build && python setup.py install
        cd /tmp/
        rm -rf /tmp/pyrit_svn
i_fernwificracker() {
        cd /pentest/wireless/
        svn checkout http://fern-wifi-cracker.googlecode.com/svn/Fern-Wifi-Cracker/
        chmod +x /pentest/wireless/Fern-Wifi-Cracker/execute.py
        if [ "`dpkg -s nautilus-dropbox | grep Status`" != "Status: install ok installed" ]
                wget -N http://linux.dropbox.com/packages/nautilus-dropbox_0.6.8_i386.deb
                dpkg -i nautilus-dropbox_0.6.8_i386.deb
                nautilus --quit #restart nautilus
                dropbox start -i #run gui installer
                dialog --title "DropBox Setup" --msgbox "Click OK when Dropbox setup is complete" 8 60
                dropbox autostart y #already by default, just to be sure
                rm nautilus-dropbox_0.6.8_i386.deb
i_tiger(){ apt-get -y install tiger ;}
i_creepy(){ apt-get -y install creepy ;}
        apt-get -y install avr-libc make ant
        cd /pentest/misc/
        wget http://arduino.googlecode.com/files/arduino-0022.tgz
        tar -zxvf arduino-0022.tgz
        rm arduino-0022.tgz
        cd /etc/udev/rules.d/
        wget http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/49-teensy.rules
        cd /pentest/misc/arduino-0022/
        wget http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensy.gz
        gzip -d teensy.gz
        chmod +x teensy
        wget http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyduino.32bit
        chmod +x teensyduino.32bit
        dialog --title "Teensyduino Install" \
        --msgbox "You are about to setup teensyduino. Read this before you proceed.
        Click Next
        Change the install folder to /pentest/misc/arduino-0022/
        Click Next
        Select All of the tools
        Click Next and then Install     " 10 70
        rm /pentest/misc/arduino-0022/teensyduino.32bit
i_cisco-decrypt() {
        cd /pentest/passwords/
        wget http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/soft/cisco-decrypt.c
        gcc -Wall -o cisco-decrypt cisco-decrypt.c $(libgcrypt-config --libs --cflags)
i_hydra() {
        cd /tmp
        apt-get -y purge hydra xhydra
        apt-get -y install libssh-dev libpcre3-dev libpq-dev libsvn-dev libaprutil1-dev libapr1-dev libmysqlclient-dev libncp-dev libocc0-dev pkg-config libgtk2.0-dev libcln-dev
        wget http://www.thc.org/releases/hydra-7.0-src.tar.gz
        tar -zxvf hydra-7.0-src.tar.gz
        cd hydra-7.0-src
        ./configure -DWITH_SSH1=On
        make install
        apt-get -y install network-manager-gnome
        mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.ori
        echo "auto lo" > /etc/network/interfaces && echo "iface lo inet loopback" >> /etc/network/interfaces
        service network-manager start
        apt-get -y remove ophcrack
        apt-get -y install libssl-dev libqt4-dev
        cd /pentest/passwords
        wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/ophcrack/files/ophcrack/3.3.1/ophcrack-3.3.1.tar.bz2
        tar -xjf ophcrack-3.3.1.tar.bz2
        rm -rf ophcrack-3.3.1.tar.bz2
        mv ophcrack*/ ophcrack/
        cd ophcrack/
        make install
        rm -r /pentest/passwords/ophcrack
i_msfupdater(){ #Fix for errors in Metasploit-updater
        cd /opt/framework/lib
        sudo mv libcrypto.so.0.9.8 libcrypto.so.0.9.8.bak
        sudo mv libssl.so.0.9.8 libssl.so.0.9.8.bak
        sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 ./
        sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8 ./
        apt-get -y install cmake
        cd /root/
        wget https://freddie.witherden.org/tools/libforensic1394/releases/libforensic1394-0.2.tar.gz
        tar zxvf libforensic1394-0.2.tar.gz
        cd libforensic1394-0.2/
        cmake -G"Unix Makefiles"
        cp libforensic1394.s* /usr/lib/
        cd python/
        python setup.py install
        rm -rf /pentest/forensics/volatility
        cd /root/
        wget https://www.volatilesystems.com/volatility/2.0/volatility-2.0.tar.gz
        tar zxvf volatility-2.0.tar.gz
        mv /root/volatility-2.0 /pentest/forensics/volatility
        sed -i -e ‘s|\./volatility|\./vol\.py -h|’ /usr/share/applications/backtrack-volatility.desktop
        cd /root/
        rm -rf libforensic1394*
        rm -rf volatility-2.0.tar.gz
### Update commands for each program ###################################################################################
u_wifite() { /pentest/wireless/wifite.py -upgrade ; }
u_msf() { /pentest/exploits/framework/msfupdate ; }
u_w3af() { svn up /pentest/web/w3af/ ;}
u_openvas() { openvas-nvt-sync ;}
u_set() { cd /pentest/exploits/set/ ; ./set-update ;}
u_fasttrack() {
        apt-get -y update fasttrack
        cd /pentest/exploits/fasttrack/
        ./fast-track.py -c 1 1 ;}
u_blindelephant() {
         cd /pentest/web/blindelephant
        svn up
        cd src
        python setup.py install ; }
u_sqlmap() { svn up --trust-server-cert --non-interactive /pentest/database/sqlmap/ ;}
u_nikto() { cd /pentest/web/nikto/ ; svn up ; ./nikto.pl -update ;}
u_exploitdb() { svn up /pentest/exploits/exploitdb ;}
u_nessus() {
        ps -A | grep nessus > /dev/null
        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
                /etc/init.d/nessusd start
                        sleep 10
        /opt/nessus/sbin/nessus-update-plugins ;}
u_routerdefense() { svn up /vaw/www/routerdefense/ ;}
u_warvox() { svn up /pentest/telephony/warvox/ ;}
u_aircrack() {
                cd /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/ && svn up
                cd /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/scripts/ && chmod a+x airodump-ng-oui-update && ./airodump-ng-oui-update
                cd /tmp/
u_giskismet() { svn up /pentest/wireless/giskismet/ ;}
u_nmap() { nmap --script-updatedb ;}
u_fimap() { cd /pentest/web/fimap/ && ./fimap.py --update-def ;}
u_fernwificracker() { svn up /pentest/wireless/Fern-Wifi-Cracker/ ; chmod +x /pentest/wireless/Fern-Wifi-Cracker/execute.py ;}

main(){ #default block of code
startdir=`pwd` ; cd /tmp/
if [ "$#" == 0 ]
then # default run to include everything
        welcome_msg; rootcheck; netcheck; extra_repositories; configuration_stuff; missing_stuff; install_stuff; update_stuff; goodbye_msg
else # only run me if i recieve a command line value
        while getopts "uh" execute; do
                case ${execute} in
                        u) welcome_msg; rootcheck; netcheck; update_stuff; goodbye_msg ;;
                        h) help_msg ;;
                        ?) help_msg ;;
cd ${startdir}
main $*
exit 0

simpan dengan nama bt5-fixit.sh
kasih permission x nya
chmod +x bt5-fixit.sh
tinggal dijalan kan deh

versi lengkap nya
svn checkout http://bt5-fixit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ bt5-fixit-read-only
ada 4 file .sh didalam nya,,

hasil downloadnya ada di /root/bt5-fixit-read-only/

selamat mencoba

assalamualaikum wrwb Smile

Kak ane nwbie nee..
Sebenernya fungsi n kegunaan fixit tsb untuk apa kak...
Di atas blm ada penjelasan soalnya..tx

(02-10-2012, 12:21 PM)faybby Wrote: waskum...
Kak ane nwbie nee..
Sebenernya fungsi n kegunaan fixit tsb untuk apa kak...
Di atas blm ada penjelasan soalnya..tx

uh ya kelupaan,,thanks udah ingatin,,

sesuai dengan nama filenya "fixit"
fungsinya untuk melakukan solved problem terhadap tools yang ada dimenu tapi g terinstal atau missing,,bisa juga untuk fix tools yang out of date,,
gitu maksudnya,,

kalo mau baca artikel pemilik,,kesini aja,,

wah mantap nih bro .. sip sip ..
FOLLOW @DutaLinux
for more question and sharing about security and Opensource only

bisa kita tambahin loh om zee,,
masukin aja ke dalam script nya,,
sekali update, banyak yang fix,,

RECOMENDASI lebih baik download yang pake svn,karena dalam foldernya ada 3 lagi script yang fungsinya untuk fix yang lain,,
list dalam folder



Nice share om!!

Iya, saya download yang svn.
Dan akhirnya plymouth / splash screen saya seperti KDE Smile
Terimakasih, philips Smile
Yang putih, yang seharusnya ber-aksi dan berbakat!
Linuxtivist blog

(02-11-2012, 02:17 AM)THJC Wrote: Iya, saya download yang svn.
Dan akhirnya plymouth / splash screen saya seperti KDE Smile
Terimakasih, philips Smile

terimakasih kembali kata philips om Big Grin Smile heheh

Nice info omz Smile

mas saya mw tanya

root@bt:~# svn checkout http://bt5-fixit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ bt5-fixit-read-only
A    bt5-fixit-read-only/bt5-fixit.sh
A    bt5-fixit-read-only/nix-auditor.sh
A    bt5-fixit-read-only/bt5-nmap.sh
A    bt5-fixit-read-only/bt5-nfsenum.sh
Checked out revision 40.

trus bagaimana download lengkapnya mas lewat terminal?

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