install yahoo mesengger gmna?? pake pigdin eroor trus

Pidgin error dimana?
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klo pnya saya pidgin nya error 1013:the usernames you have entered invalid.the most
common cause of this error is entering your email address instead of your yahoo id.padahal id sma password sudah benar.minta solusi nya kk?

(02-25-2012, 09:44 PM)aanoil77 Wrote: klo pnya saya pidgin nya error 1013:the usernames you have entered invalid.the most
common cause of this error is entering your email address instead of your yahoo id.padahal id sma password sudah benar.minta solusi nya kk?

bisa tau om tulis apa di yahoo idNya...? Contoh klo om nulis di YM id

User : [email protected]
pass : **************

hehehe itu salah om Tongue jgn make @yahoo.com cukup mr,revzter aja ^_-

moga2 bisa ya Big Grin

bukannya sudah ada pilihannya kalo yahoo atopun gmail?? gak usah yahoo.com ato gmail.com
[Image: 33529117274.jpg]

ya saya tulis [email protected].
Sdh saya coba sesuai saran revzter problem solved

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