Making an Electronic Torch – Schematic, PCB Version and Breadboard Version
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by : Antonius (@sw0rdm4n)

Electronic Torch is an unique electronic circuit to learn about how electric flow through each components. Below is the electronic circuit:
[Image: torches.jpg?w=625]
Part Lists Based on Above Schematic
– 2 resistor 330 ohm or 320 ohm. (breadboard version can uses up to 3 resistors)
– 3 led
– 3 switch
– 1 Dioda in4001

How this works on PCB Version ?

Below is the electronic circuit logic flow :

– If switch is on,  the current will flow  through:
D1 (since it’s a dioda it will prevent reverse current) ->  switch ->  R1 -> led1 -> led2 -> ground

– If s1 is on,  the current will flow  through:
D1 -> S1 -> R1 -> led1 -> led2 -> ground.

– if s2 is on, the current will flow through:
D1 -> S2 -> R2 -> led 3 -> ground

Solder each component based on above schematic

[Image: solder1.jpg?w=567&h=756]

– Clean your solder with sponge before soldering
– Before soldering drop some soldering tin on top of your solder
– Don’t use to much soldering tin
And here comes the pcb version of the torch :

[Image: torch.jpg?w=489&h=652]

Breadboard Version

We can also making breadboard version, vero board version, and so on. Here’s the breadboard version of this electronic torch with 3 resistor (1 resistor 330 ohm and 2 resistor 320 ohm).

[Image: bread.jpg?w=504&h=378]

To see how this circuit works, you can see this video:

Messages In This Thread
Making an Electronic Torch – Schematic, PCB Version and Breadboard Version - by mywisdom - 02-09-2015, 12:11 PM

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