[Ask] MITM
Permisi Om om kawan kawan....

Saya Sebagai pengguna baru, mohon petunjuk donk om.....
gmana cara forward jalur ponsel, ke nomor kita...
(hanya untuk memantau aktivitas pasangan om...)

#mohon maaf bila ada salah...tank's [/font]

maksud nya apa yang mau di forward?
sms,,tlp,,medsos atau apa??

Sms sama tlp om....m'f bru buka lg nh om.....kompi ane, mainbordnya kebakr om...

klo android kan ada aplikasi nya di appstore yang bisa check lewat e-mail..
coba aja pake itu om..

(06-17-2014, 08:50 PM)payl0ad Wrote: klo android kan ada aplikasi nya di appstore yang bisa check lewat e-mail..
coba aja pake itu om..

ok klo gtu...tp klo, ponsel biasa bsa g Om ? mungkin pke script khusus gtu klo da punya pengalaman kasih tau donk.....:d

(06-23-2014, 11:01 AM)checkpoint Wrote:
(06-17-2014, 08:50 PM)payl0ad Wrote: klo android kan ada aplikasi nya di appstore yang bisa check lewat e-mail..
coba aja pake itu om..

ok klo gtu...tp klo, ponsel biasa bsa g Om ? mungkin pke script khusus gtu klo da punya pengalaman kasih tau donk.....:d

niiih ane ada bahasa C nya untuk cracking sim card. soal nya semua sms dan tlp masuk ke simcard bukan ke hp.
tapi setiap ane compile ini, selalu gagal, dan g ngerti salah dimana nya..
*   This program is is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 if the
*   License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   GNU General Public License for more details.
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

* $Id: 114a8a15fd5f5bc408bf86ab3d6371dcd388507b $
* @file comp128.c
* @brief Implementations of comp128v1, comp128v2, comp128v3 algorithms
* Comp128v1 was inspired by code from:
*  Marc Briceno <[email protected]>, Ian Goldberg <[email protected]>,
*  and David Wagner <[email protected]>
* But it has been fully rewritten (Sylvain Munaut <[email protected]>) from various PDFs found online
* describing the algorithm because the licence of the code referenced above was unclear.
* A comment snippet from the original code is included below, it describes where the doc came
* from and how the algorithm was reverse engineered.
* Comp128v2 & v3 is a port of the python code from:
*   http://www.hackingprojects.net/
* [url=http://indonesianbacktrack.or.id/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=18445]@note[/url] The above GPL license only applies to comp128v1, the license for comp128v2 and comp128v3 is unknown.
* @copyright 2013 The FreeRADIUS server project
* @copyright 2013 Hacking projects [http://www.hackingprojects.net/]
* @copyright 2009 Sylvain Munaut <[email protected]>

#include "comp128.h"
#include <stdio.h>
/* 512 bytes */
static uint8_t const comp128v1_t0[] = {
        102, 177, 186, 162, 2,   156, 112, 75,  55,  25,  8,   12,  251, 193, 246, 188,
        109, 213, 151, 53,  42,  79,  191, 115, 233, 242, 164, 223, 209, 148, 108, 161,
        252, 37,  244, 47,  64,  211, 6,   237, 185, 160, 139, 113, 76,  138, 59,  70,
         67,  26,  13,  157, 63,  179, 221, 30,  214, 36,  166, 69,  152, 124, 207, 116,
        247, 194, 41,  84,  71,  1,   49,  14,  95,  35,  169, 21,  96,  78,  215, 225,
        182, 243, 28,  92,  201, 118, 4,   74,  248, 128, 17,  11,  146, 132, 245, 48,
        149, 90,  120, 39,  87,  230, 106, 232, 175, 19,  126, 190, 202, 141, 137, 176,
        250, 27,  101, 40,  219, 227, 58,  20,  51,  178, 98,  216, 140, 22,  32,  121,
         61,  103, 203, 72,  29,  110, 85,  212, 180, 204, 150, 183, 15,  66,  172, 196,
         56,  197, 158, 0,   100, 45,  153, 7,   144, 222, 163, 167, 60,  135, 210, 231,
        174, 165, 38,  249, 224, 34,  220, 229, 217, 208, 241, 68,  206, 189, 125, 255,
        239, 54,  168, 89,  123, 122, 73,  145, 117, 234, 143, 99,  129, 200, 192, 82,
        104, 170, 136, 235, 93,  81,  205, 173, 236, 94,  105, 52,  46,  228, 198, 5,
         57,  254, 97,  155, 142, 133, 199, 171, 187, 50,  65,  181, 127, 107, 147, 226,
        184, 218, 131, 33,  77,  86,  31,  44,  88,  62,  238, 18,  24,  43,  154, 23,
         80,  159, 134, 111, 9,   114, 3,   91,  16,  130, 83,  10,  195, 240, 253, 119,
        177, 102, 162, 186, 156, 2,   75,  112, 25,  55,  12,  8,   193, 251, 188, 246,
        213, 109, 53,  151, 79,  42,  115, 191, 242, 233, 223, 164, 148, 209, 161, 108,
         37,  252, 47,  244, 211, 64,  237, 6,   160, 185, 113, 139, 138, 76,  70,  59,
         26,  67,  157, 13,  179, 63,  30,  221, 36,  214, 69,  166, 124, 152, 116, 207,
        194, 247, 84,  41,  1,   71,  14,  49,  35,  95,  21,  169, 78,  96,  225, 215,
        243, 182, 92,  28,  118, 201, 74,  4,   128, 248, 11,  17,  132, 146, 48,  245,
         90,  149, 39,  120, 230, 87,  232, 106, 19,  175, 190, 126, 141, 202, 176, 137,
         27,  250, 40,  101, 227, 219, 20,  58,  178, 51,  216, 98,  22,  140, 121, 32,
        103, 61,  72,  203, 110, 29,  212, 85,  204, 180, 183, 150, 66,  15,  196, 172,
        197, 56,  0,   158, 45,  100, 7,   153, 222, 144, 167, 163, 135, 60,  231, 210,
        165, 174, 249, 38,  34,  224, 229, 220, 208, 217, 68,  241, 189, 206, 255, 125,
         54,  239, 89,  168, 122, 123, 145, 73,  234, 117, 99,  143, 200, 129, 82,  192,
        170, 104, 235, 136, 81,  93,  173, 205, 94,  236, 52,  105, 228, 46,  5,   198,
        254, 57,  155, 97,  133, 142, 171, 199, 50,  187, 181, 65,  107, 127, 226, 147,
        218, 184, 33,  131, 86,  77,  44,  31,  62,  88,  18,  238, 43,  24,  23,  154,
        159, 80,  111, 134, 114, 9,   91,  3,   130, 16,  10,  83,  240, 195, 119, 253};

/* 256 bytes */
static uint8_t const comp128v1_t1[] = {
        19,  11,  80,  114, 43,  1,   69,  94,  39,  18,  127, 117, 97,  3,   85,  43,
        27,  124, 70,  83,  47,  71,  63,  10,  47,  89,  79,  4,   14,  59,  11,  5,
        35,  107, 103, 68,  21,  86,  36,  91,  85,  126, 32,  50,  109, 94,  120, 6,
        53,  79,  28,  45,  99,  95,  41,  34,  88,  68,  93,  55,  110, 125, 105, 20,
        90,  80,  76,  96,  23,  60,  89,  64,  121, 56,  14,  74,  101, 8,   19,  78,
        76,  66,  104, 46,  111, 50,  32,  3,   39,  0,   58,  25,  92,  22,  18,  51,
        57,  65,  119, 116, 22,  109, 7,   86,  59,  93,  62,  110, 78,  99,  77,  67,
        12,  113, 87,  98,  102, 5,   88,  33,  38,  56,  23,  8,   75,  45,  13,  75,
        95,  63,  28,  49,  123, 120, 20,  112, 44,  30,  15,  98,  106, 2,   103, 29,
        82,  107, 42,  124, 24,  30,  41,  16,  108, 100, 117, 40,  73,  40,  7,   114,
        82,  115, 36,  112, 12,  102, 100, 84,  92,  48,  72,  97,  9,   54,  55,  74,
       113, 123, 17,  26,  53,  58,  4,   9,   69,  122, 21,  118, 42,  60,  27,  73,
       118, 125, 34,  15,  65,  115, 84,  64,  62,  81,  70,  1,   24,  111, 121, 83,
       104, 81,  49,  127, 48,  105, 31,  10,  6,   91,  87,  37,  16,  54,  116, 126,
        31,  38,  13,  0,   72,  106, 77,  61,  26,  67,  46,  29,  96,  37,  61,  52,
       101, 17,  44,  108, 71,  52,  66,  57,  33,  51,  25,  90,  2,   119, 122, 35};

/* 128 bytes */
static uint8_t const comp128v1_t2[] = {
        52,  50,  44,   6,  21,  49,  41,  59,  39,  51,  25,  32,  51,  47,  52,  43,
        37,  4,   40,  34,  61,  12,  28,   4,  58,  23,   8,  15,  12,  22,   9,  18,
        55,  10,  33,  35,  50,   1,  43,   3,  57,  13,  62,  14,   7,  42,  44,  59,
        62,  57,  27,   6,   8,  31,  26,  54,  41,  22,  45,  20,  39,   3,  16,  56,
        48,  2,   21,  28,  36,  42,  60,  33,  34,  18,   0,  11,  24,  10,  17,  61,
        29,  14,  45,  26,  55,  46,  11,  17,  54,  46,   9,  24,  30,  60,  32,   0,
        20,  38,  2,   30,  58,  35,   1,  16,  56,  40,  23,  48,  13,  19,  19,  27,
        31,  53,  47,  38,  63,  15,  49,   5,  37,  53,  25,  36,  63,  29,   5,   7};

/* 64 bytes */
static uint8_t const comp128v1_t3[] = {
        1,   5,   29,  6,   25,  1,   18,  23,  17,  19,  0,   9,   24,  25,  6,   31,
        28,  20,  24,  30,  4,   27,  3,   13,  15,  16,  14,  18,  4,   3,   8,   9,
        20,  0,   12,  26,  21,  8,   28,  2,   29,  2,   15,  7,   11,  22,  14,  10,
        17,  21,  12,  30,  26,  27,  16,  31,  11,  7,   13,  23,  10,  5,   22,  19};

/* 32 bytes */
static uint8_t const comp128v1_t4[] = {
        15,  12,  10,  4,   1,   14,  11,  7,   5,   0,   14,  7,   1,   2,   13,  8,
        10,  3,   4,   9,   6,   0,   3,   2,   5,   6,   8,   9,   11,  13,  15,  12};

static uint8_t const *_comp128_table[] = { comp128v1_t0, comp128v1_t1, comp128v1_t2, comp128v1_t3, comp128v1_t4 };

/* 256 bytes */
static uint8_t const comp128v23_t0[] = {
        197, 235, 60,  151, 98,  96,  3,   100, 248, 118, 42,  117, 172, 211, 181, 203,
         61,  126, 156, 87,  149, 224, 55,  132, 186, 63,  238, 255, 85,  83,  152, 33,
        160, 184, 210, 219, 159, 11,  180, 194, 130, 212, 147, 5,   215, 92,  27,  46,
        113, 187, 52,  25,  185, 79,  221, 48,  70,  31,  101, 15,  195, 201, 50,  222,
        137, 233, 229, 106, 122, 183, 178, 177, 144, 207, 234, 182, 37,  254, 227, 231,
         54,  209, 133, 65,  202, 69,  237, 220, 189, 146, 120, 68,  21,  125, 38,  30,
          2,   155, 53,  196, 174, 176, 51,  246, 167, 76,  110, 20,  82,  121, 103, 112,
         56,  173, 49,  217, 252, 0,   114, 228, 123, 12,  93,  161, 253, 232, 240, 175,
         67,  128, 22,  158, 89,  18,  77,  109, 190, 17,  62,  4,   153, 163, 59,  145,
        138, 7,   74,  205, 10,  162, 80,  45,  104, 111, 150, 214, 154, 28,  191, 169,
        213, 88,  193, 198, 200, 245, 39,  164, 124, 84,  78,  1,   188, 170, 23,  86,
        226, 141, 32,  6,   131, 127, 199, 40,  135, 16,  57,  71,  91,  225, 168, 242,
        206, 97,  166, 44,  14,  90,  236, 239, 230, 244, 223, 108, 102, 119, 148, 251,
         29,  216, 8,   9,   249, 208, 24,  105, 94,  34,  64,  95,  115, 72,  134, 204,
         43,  247, 243, 218, 47,  58,  73,  107, 241, 179, 116, 66,  36,  143, 81,  250,
        139, 19,  13,  142, 140, 129, 192, 99,  171, 157, 136, 41,  75,  35,  165, 26};

/* 256 bytes */
static uint8_t const comp128v23_t1[] = {
        170, 42,  95,  141, 109, 30,  71,  89,  26,  147, 231, 205, 239, 212, 124, 129,
        216, 79,  15,  185, 153, 14,  251, 162, 0,   241, 172, 197, 43,  10,  194, 235,
          6,   20,  72,  45,  143, 104, 161, 119, 41,  136, 38,  189, 135, 25,  93,  18,
        224, 171, 252, 195, 63,  19,  58,  165, 23,  55,  133, 254, 214, 144, 220, 178,
        156, 52,  110, 225, 97,  183, 140, 39,  53,  88,  219, 167, 16,  198, 62,  222,
         76,  139, 175, 94,  51,  134, 115, 22,  67,  1,   249, 217, 3,   5,   232, 138,
         31,  56,  116, 163, 70,  128, 234, 132, 229, 184, 244, 13,  34,  73,  233, 154,
        179, 131, 215, 236, 142, 223, 27,  57,  246, 108, 211, 8,   253, 85,  66,  245,
        193, 78,  190, 4,   17,  7,   150, 127, 152, 213, 37,  186, 2,   243, 46,  169,
         68,  101, 60,  174, 208, 158, 176, 69,  238, 191, 90,  83,  166, 125, 77,  59,
         21,  92,  49,  151, 168, 99,  9,   50,  146, 113, 117, 228, 65,  230, 40,  82,
         54,  237, 227, 102, 28,  36,  107, 24,  44,  126, 206, 201, 61,  114, 164, 207,
        181, 29,  91,  64,  221, 255, 48,  155, 192, 111, 180, 210, 182, 247, 203, 148,
        209, 98,  173, 11,  75,  123, 250, 118, 32,  47,  240, 202, 74,  177, 100, 80,
        196, 33,  248, 86,  157, 137, 120, 130, 84,  204, 122, 81,  242, 188, 200, 149,
        226, 218, 160, 187, 106, 35,  87,  105, 96,  145, 199, 159, 12,  121, 103, 112};

static inline void _comp128_compression_round(uint8_t *x, int n, const uint8_t *tbl)
        int i, j, m, a, b, y, z;
        m = 4 - n;
        for (i = 0; i < (1 << n); i++) {
                for (j = 0; j < (1 << m); j++) {
                        a = j + i * (2 << m);
                        b = a + (1 << m);
                        y = (x[a] + (x[b] << 1)) & ((32 << m) - 1);
                        z = ((x[a] << 1) + x[b]) & ((32 << m) - 1);
                        x[a] = tbl[y];
                        x[b] = tbl[z];

static inline void _comp128_compression(uint8_t *x)
        int n;
        for (n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
                _comp128_compression_round(x, n, _comp128_table[n]);

static inline void _comp128_bitsfrombytes(uint8_t *x, uint8_t *bits)
        int i;

        memset(bits, 0x00, 128);
        for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
                if (x[i >> 2] & (1 << (3 - (i & 3)))) {
                        bits[i] = 1;

static inline void _comp128_permutation(uint8_t *x, uint8_t *bits)
        int i;
        memset(&x[16], 0x00, 16);
        for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
                x[(i >> 3) + 16] |= bits[(i * 17) & 127] << (7 - (i & 7));

/** Calculate comp128v1 sres and kc from ki and rand
* This code derived from a leaked document from the GSM standards.
* Some missing pieces were filled in by reverse-engineering a working SIM.
* We have verified that this is the correct COMP128 algorithm.
* The first page of the document identifies it as
*      _Technical Information: GSM System Security Study_.
*      10-1617-01, 10th June 1988.
* The bottom of the title page is marked
*      Racal Research Ltd.
*      Worton Drive, Worton Grange Industrial Estate,
*      Reading, Berks. RG2 0SB, England.
*      Telephone: Reading (0734) 868601   Telex: 847152
* The relevant bits are in Part I, Section 20 (pages 66--67).  Enjoy!
* Note: There are three typos in the spec (discovered by reverse-engineering).
* First, "z = (2 * x[n] + x[n]) mod 2^(9-j)" should clearly read
*      "z = (2 * x[m] + x[n]) mod 2^(9-j)".
* Second, the "k" loop in the "Form bits from bytes" section is severely
* botched: the k index should run only from 0 to 3, and clearly the range
* on "the (8-k)th bit of byte j" is also off (should be 0..7, not 1..8,
* to be consistent with the subsequent section).
* Third, SRES is taken from the first 8 nibbles of x[], not the last 8 as
* claimed in the document.  (And the document doesn't specify how Kc is
* derived, but that was also easily discovered with reverse engineering.)
* All of these typos have been corrected in the following code.
* @param[out] sres 4 byte value derived from ki and rand.
* @param[out] kc 12 byte value derived from ki and rand.
* @param[in] ki known only by the SIM and AuC (us in this case).
* @param[in] rand 16 bytes of randomness.
void comp128v1(uint8_t *sres, uint8_t *kc, uint8_t const *ki, uint8_t const *rand)
        int i;
        uint8_t x[32], bits[128];

        /* x[16-31] = RAND */
        memcpy(&x[16], rand, 16);

         *      Round 1-7
        for (i=0; i < 7; i++) {
                /* x[0-15] = Ki */
                memcpy(x, ki, 16);

                 /* Compression */

                /* FormBitFromBytes */
                _comp128_bitsfrombytes(x, bits);

                /* Permutation */
                _comp128_permutation(x, bits);

         *      Round 8 (final)
         *      x[0-15] = Ki
        memcpy(x, ki, 16);

        /* Compression */

        /* Output stage */
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
                sres[i >> 1] = x[i] << 4 | x[i + 1];

        for (i = 0; i < 12; i += 2) {
                kc[i>>1] = (x[i + 18] << 6) |
                           (x[i + 19] << 2) |
                           (x[i + 20] >> 2);

        kc[6] = (x[30] << 6) | (x[31] << 2);
        kc[7] = 0;

static void _comp128v23(uint8_t *rand, uint8_t const *kxor)
        uint8_t temp[16];
        uint8_t km_rm[32];

        int i, j, k, z;

        memset(&temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
        memcpy(km_rm, rand, 16);
        memcpy(km_rm + 16, kxor, 16);
        memset(rand, 0, 16);

        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                j = 0;

                for (z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
                        temp[z] = comp128v23_t0[comp128v23_t1[km_rm[16 + z]] ^ km_rm[z]];

                while ((1 << i) > j) {
                        k = 0;

                        while ((1 << (4 - i)) > k) {
                                km_rm[(((2 * k) + 1) << i) + j] =
                                        comp128v23_t0[comp128v23_t1[temp[(k << i) + j]] ^ (km_rm[(k << i) + 16 + j])];
                                km_rm[(k << (i + 1)) + j] = temp[(k << i) + j];

        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                        rand[i] = rand[i] ^ (((km_rm[(19 * (j + 8 * i) + 19) % 256 / 8] >> (3 * j + 3) % 8) & 1) << j);

/** Calculate comp128v2 or comp128v3 sres and kc from ki and rand
* @param[out] sres 4 byte value derived from ki and rand.
* @param[out] kc 8 byte value derived from ki and rand.
* @param[in] ki known only by the SIM and AuC (us in this case).
* @param[in] rand 16 bytes of randomness.
* @param[in] v2 if true we use version comp128-2 else we use comp128-3.
void comp128v23(uint8_t *sres, uint8_t *kc, uint8_t const *ki, uint8_t const *rand, bool v2)
        uint8_t k_mix[16];
        uint8_t rand_mix[16];
        uint8_t katyvasz[16];
        uint8_t buffer[16];

        /* Every day IM suffling... */
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                k_mix[i] = ki[15 - i];
                k_mix[15 - i] = ki[i];

        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                rand_mix[i] = rand[15 - i];
                rand_mix[15 - i] = rand[i];

        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                katyvasz[i] = k_mix[i] ^ rand_mix[i];

        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                _comp128v23(rand_mix, katyvasz);

        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                buffer[i] = rand_mix[15 - i];

        if (v2) {
                buffer[15] = 0x00;
                buffer[14] = 4 * (buffer[14] >> 2);

        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                buffer[8 + i - 4] = buffer[8 + i];
                buffer[8 + i] = buffer[8 + i + 4];

         *      The algorithm uses 16 bytes until this point, but only 12 bytes are effective
         *      also 12 bytes coming out from the SIM card.
        memcpy(sres, buffer, 4);
        memcpy(kc, buffer + 4, 8);

#if 0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
static int hextoint(char x)
        x = toupper(x);
        if (x >= 'A' && x <= 'F') {
                return x-'A' + 10;
        } else if (x >= '0' && x <= '9') {
                return x-'0';

        fprintf(stderr, "Bad input.\n");


int main(int argc, char **argv)
        uint8_t rand[16], key[16], sres[4], kc[8];
        int version;
        int i;

        if ((argc != 4) ||
            (strlen(argv[1]) != 34) || (strlen(argv[2]) != 34) ||
            (strncmp(argv[1], "0x", 2) != 0) || (strncmp(argv[2], "0x", 2) != 0) ||
            !(version = atoi(argv[3]))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s 0x<key> 0x<rand> [1|2|3]\n", argv[0]);

        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                key[i] = (hextoint(argv[1][(2 * i) + 2]) << 4) | hextoint(argv[1][(2 * i) + 3]);

        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                rand[i] = (hextoint(argv[2][(2 * i) + 2]) << 4) | hextoint(argv[2][(2 * i) + 3]);

        switch (version) {
                case 3:
                        comp128v23(sres, kc, key, rand, false);

                case 2:
                        comp128v23(sres, kc, key, rand, true);

                case 1:
                        comp128v1(sres, kc, key, rand);

                        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid version, must be 1, 2 or 3");
                        goto error;

        /* Output in vector format <Ki>,<rand>,<sres><Kc> */
        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                printf("%02X", key[i]);
        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                printf("%02X", rand[i]);
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                printf("%02X", sres[i]);
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                printf("%02X", kc[i]);

        return 0;

naaahh di situ ngebutuhin comp128.h
niihh ane kasih code nya
#ifndef _COMP128_H
#define _COMP128_H

#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

void comp128v1(uint8_t *sres, uint8_t *kc, const uint8_t *ki, const uint8_t *rand);
void comp128v23(uint8_t *sres, uint8_t *kc, uint8_t const *ki, uint8_t const *rand, bool v2);


mungkin segitu yang ane bisa kasih, soal nya ane juga ga bisa apa2 bro, masih banyak yang harus di kerjain untuk masalah itu. itu baru comp128, untuk tau apa itu comp128 cari google aja yaa..
terus masih ada algoritma A3, algoritma A5 dan algoritma A8, yang dimana algoritma itu buat jalur keluar masuk tlp atau sms,
A3 untuk keluar sms/tlp
A5 proses di olah nya data dari A3 buat di kirim ke A8 si penerima
A8 untuk menerima sms/tlp


(06-17-2014, 08:50 PM)payl0ad Wrote: klo android kan ada aplikasi nya di appstore yang bisa check lewat e-mail..
coba aja pake itu om..
nama nya apa bro :d

klo ga salah nama nya
1. Mobile Spy
2. SmsForwarder
3. Sms Watcher

Wah makasih bgt pencerahannya Om PaylOad,..........sy akan berusaha cari tahu nh om..

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