Membuat payload meterpreter permanent
nice share brooo, i like it and dont forget keep share Big Grin
ada kodok teroret teroret dipinggir kali terorret teroret mencari makan teroret teroret setiap pagi teroret teroret


I was not smart or special but I was unix

ijin coba walau rada ribet..

keren nih tutorialnya.. sayang temen2 ane susah dikibulin suruh eksekusi tu file, hehe... Smile
Security awareness should be the continuing practice of a skill and not the continuous reminder of a threat.

bikin payload meterpreter nih. udah ngetik kalo nggak teliti payload meterpreternya gagal. masih belajar pakai linux backtrack, intinya banyak latiah dan mencoba

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