Script untuk update tool BackTrack5
Assalami'alaikum Wr.Wb..
maaf nih ane baru pertma kali bikin thread jadi kalo ada yg salah maaf nih jgn d timpuk.... :d
nih ane dapet script untuk update tool di backtrack jadi biar tool pentesting kita ttep update gitu...
ane dapet dari situs
tinggal di download
trus di ekstract trus di run
Spoiler! :
root@mhusehaal~# tar -xf bt5up.tar
root@mhusehaal~# python
trus tinggal pilih tool yg mw d update...
maaf nih kalo repost ane nyari2 ga nemu thread ini..
script ini cuma memudahkan kita untuk update tool di backtrack.. Smile:-
Wassalam... Tongue:-

thx udh share bro

bagi yang susah download ini source codenya:
# This is a update script for Backtrack 5.
# Rewritten by: bl4ck5w4n aka MaXFX in BT Forum
# Mail: [email protected]
# Blog:
# Original autor Sickness (Coded in C)

import  os, time, inspect,sys,fileinput
import smtplib, getopt
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from time import gmtime, strftime

mods = '/pentest/bt5up/mods' # Path for the additional tools module

global tsleep
tsleep = 2

if os.path.isdir(mods):
   os.system('mkdir -p '+ mods)
   os.system('cd ' + mods + ' && wget -c -q') #CHANGE TO URL
import tools

def get_version():
      curversion = 1.5
      return curversion

def backtrack_update():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating and cleaning Backtrack, please wait.")

    if(os.system("apt-get update && apt-get -y dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get -y autoclean") == 0):
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Backtrack updated and cleaned successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Backtrack.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Backtrack' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def exploit_db():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Exploit-db, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/exploits/exploitdb/platforms/ && svn up") == 0):
                   print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Exploit-db updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Exploit-db.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Exploit-db' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def Set():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating SET, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/exploits/set/ && svn up") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m SET updated successfully!")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update SET.")
      os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update SET' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def warvox():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Warvox, please wait.")
    if(os.system("cd /pentest/telephony/warvox/ && svn up") == 0):
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Warvox updated successfully!")
        if(os.system("rm -rf /pentest/telephony/warvox/ ; svn co /pentest/telephony/warvox") == 0):
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Warvox updated successfully!")
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Warvox")
              os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Warvox' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def aircrack():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Aircrack-NG and Airodump, please wait.")
    if(os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/ && svn up") == 0):
      os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/scripts/ && chmod a+x airodump-ng-oui-update && ./airodump-ng-oui-update")
      os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/scripts/ && make && make install")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Aircrack-NG and Airodump updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Aircrack-ng.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Aircrack' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def wifite():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating WiFite, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/wifite/ && python -upgrade") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m WiFite updated successfully!")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update WiFite.")
      os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update WiFite' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def fernwifi():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Fern Wifi Cracker, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/fern-wifi-cracker/ && svn update") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Fern Wifi Cracker updated successfully!")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Fern Wifi Cracker.")
      os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Fern Wifi Cracker' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def dedected():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Dedected, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/telephony/dedected/ && svn update") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Dedected updated successfully!")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Dedected.")
      os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Dedected' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def giskismet():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Giskismet, please wait.")
    if(os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/giskismet/ && svn up") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Giskismet updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Giskismet.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Giskismet' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def msf():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Metasploit, please wait.")
    if(os.system("msfupdate") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Metasploit updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Metasploit.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Metasploit' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def openvas():

    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating OpenVAS, please wait.")
        if (os.system("openvas-nvt-sync")== 0):
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m OpenVAS updated successfully!")
            print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update OpenVAS!")
            os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update OpenVAS' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def nessus():
  if(os.system("which nessus > /dev/null") == 0):
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Nessus plugins, please wait.")
    if(os.system("cd /opt/nessus/sbin/ && ./nessus-update-plugins") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Nessus plugins updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Nessus.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Nessus' >> /root/bt5up.log")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Nessus is not installed.")

def hexorbase():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Hexorbase, please wait.")
    if(os.system("cd /pentest/database/hexorbase/ && svn checkout") == 0):
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Hexorbase updated successfully!")
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update HexorBase!")
          os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update HexorBase' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def w3af():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating W3AF, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/web/w3af/ && svn up") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m W3AF updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update W3AF.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update W3AF' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def joomscan():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating JoomScan, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/web/joomscan/ && perl update") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m JoomScan updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update JoomScan.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update JoomScan' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def wpscan():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating WPScan, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/web/wpscan && svn up") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m WPScan updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update WPScan.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update WPScan' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def nikto():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Nikto, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/web/nikto/ && svn up") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Nikto updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Nikto.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Nikto' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def beef():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating BeEF, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/web/beef/ && ./update-beef") == 0):
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m BeEF updated successfully!")
        if(os.system("rm -Rf /pentest/web/beef;cd /pentest/web/;git clone git://;cd /pentest/web/beef/; ./update-beef") == 0):
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m BeEF updated successfully!")
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update BeEF")
              os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update SQLNinja' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def sqlmap():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Sqlmap, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/database/sqlmap/ && ./ --update") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Sqlmap updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update SQLmap.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update SQLmap' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def sqlninja():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating SQLNinja, please wait.")
        if(os.system("svn co /pentest/database/sqlninja") == 0):
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m SQLNinja updated successfully!")
        if(os.system("apt-get purge sqlninja -y && svn co /pentest/database/sqlninja") == 0):
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m SQLNinja updated successfully!")
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update SQLNinja")
              os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update SQLNinja' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def nmap():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Nmap Fingerprints, please wait.")
    if(os.system("wget -O /usr/local/share/nmap/nmap-os-db") == 0):
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Nmap updated successfully!")        
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update nmap!")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Nmap Fingerprints' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def fimap():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Fimap, please wait.")
        os.system("rm -Rf /pentest/web/fimap")
    if(os.system("svn checkout /pentest/web/fimap")==0):    
            print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Fimap updated successfully!")
            print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Fimap!")
            os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Fimap' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def wireshark():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Wireshark, please wait.")
    os.system("apt-get install autoconf libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libgeoip-dev libpcre3-dev libpcap0.8-dev libtool byacc flex -y")
    if (os.system("cd /tmp && svn co wireshark")==0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Files downloaded successfully! Now the painful part... Be patient")
      os.system("cd /tmp/wireshark && ./")
      os.system("cd /tmp/wireshark && ./configure")
      os.system("cd /tmp/wireshark && make")
      if (os.system("cd /tmp/wireshark && make install")==0):
      os.system("rm -Rf /tmp/wireshark")
      if (os.path.isfile('/usr/local/share/wireshark/init.lua')):
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Changeging init.lua file..")
        for lines in fileinput.FileInput("/usr/local/share/wireshark/init.lua", inplace=1):
          lines = lines.replace("disable_lua = false","disable_lua = true")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Wireshark installed successfully!")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Wireshark failed to install!")
      os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Wireshark' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def update():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating BT5UP script.")
    os.system("cd /tmp && wget -c -q")
    if os.path.isfile("/tmp/bt5up.tar"):
        os.system("tar -xvf /tmp/bt5up.tar -C /tmp/ > /dev/null")
    curfile = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
    pwd = os.getcwd() + str(curfile)
    os.system("rm -Rf " + pwd)
    os.system("mv /tmp/ " + str(curfile))
    os.system("chmod +x " + str(curfile))
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Update successfully! bt5up will restart, please wait...")
    python = sys.executable
    os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)

def bugs_fixs():  
    print("            Section: Fix BT5 Bugs/Customize BT5")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. Startx after login.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. Change Login message.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. Set PulseAudio to autostart.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Set wicd autostart.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. FlashPlayer 11.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 6. Back.")
        bugs = raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")

def startx():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Make startx as default...")
    os.system('echo \'if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ $(tty) == /dev/tty1 ];\n then \nstartx \nfi\' >> /root/.bash_profile')
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Done. Next time you reboot startx will start...")
def login_msg():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Edit the login message using nano")
    os.system("nano /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text")
    os.system("sh /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Next time you boot your message will be like that")
    os.system("nano /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text")
    os.system("sh /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Next time you boot your message will be like that")

def pulseaudio():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Setting pulseaudio to autostart with Gnome")
    os.system("mkdir /root/.config/autostart")
    if (os.system('echo -e "\n[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nExec=/usr/bin/pulseaudio\nHidden=false\nNoDisplay=false\nX-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true\nName[en_US]=PulseAudio Sound System\nName=PulseAudio Sound System\nComment[en_US]=Start the PulseAudio Sound System\nComment=Start the PulseAudio Sound System" >  /root/.config/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop')==0):
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m PulseAudio should autostart with Gnome now")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to put PulseAudio in autostart")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to put PulseAudio in autostart' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def wicd():
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Setting wicd to autostart")
      if(os.system("dpkg-reconfigure wicd; update-rc.d wicd defaults")==0):
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m wicd should autostart now")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to put wicd in startup")
    os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to put wicd in startup' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def flash():
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Installing FlashPlayer 11")
      if(os.system("cd /tmp && wget")==0):
    os.system("aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla -y")
    os.system("rm -f /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/")
    os.system("rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/")
    os.system("rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/")
    os.system("rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/npwrapper*flash*so")
    os.system("rm -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/*flash*so")
    os.system("mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins")
    os.system("cd /tmp && tar -xvf install_flash_player_11_linux_i386.tar.gz")
    os.system("mv /tmp/ ~/.mozilla/plugins/")
    print('\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Restart Firefox and the FlashPlayer should be working now...')
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to install FlashPlayer")
    os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to install FlashPlayer' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def latest_version():
    lversion = 0
    if os.path.isfile("/tmp/version.txt"):
        os.system("cd /tmp && wget -c -q")
    return lversion

def clean_exit():
      print("\n\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Cleaning temporary files and leaving...")
      if os.path.isfile("/tmp/version.txt"):
    os.system("rm /tmp/version.txt")
      if os.path.isfile("/tmp/bt5up.tar"):
    os.system("rm /tmp/bt5up.tar")
      if os.path.isfile("/tmp/"):
    os.system("rm /tmp/")
      if os.path.isfile("/tmp/addtools_version.txt"):
    os.system("rm /tmp/addtools_version.txt")
      print("\n\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Thanks for using bt5up dont forget to visit:")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m If something went wrong check the log at /root/bt5up.log")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m For more options on how to use bt5up use: bt5up -h\n")
def header():
    print('\033[1;31m                                        ,   ,')
    print('                                        $,  $,     ,')
    print('                                        "ss.$ss. .s')
    print('                                ,     .ss$$$$$$$$$$s,')
    print('                                $. s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$`$$Ss')
    print('                                "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o$$$       ,')
    print('                               s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s,  ,s')
    print('                              s$$$$$$$$$"$$$$$$""""$$$$$$"$$$$$,')
    print('                              s$$$$$$$$$$s""$$$$ssssss"$$$$$$$$"')
    print('                             s$$$$$$$$$$         `"""ss"$"$s""')
    print('                             s$$$$$$$$$$,              `"""""$  ')
    print('                             s$$$$$$$$$$$$s,... ')

    print("\033[1;37m                     [Back||Track 5 R3 Update]\033[1;m")
        print(" Author: Bl4ck5w4n")
        print(" Feedback/Bugs : [email protected] || || @Bl4ck5w4n")
        if (float(get_version()) < float(latest_version())):
      print("        Installed Version: \033[1;31m" + str(get_version()) + "\033[1;m Latest Version:\033[1;37m " + str(latest_version()) +"\033[1;31m------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[1;m")
      print("        Installed Version: \033[1;32m" + str(get_version()) + "\033[1;m Latest Version:\033[1;37m " + str(latest_version()) +"\033[1;31m------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[1;m")
def changelog():
    os.system("cd /tmp && wget -o /dev/null")
    os.system("less /tmp/changelog.txt")

def gmail():

    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Send me some feeback/bugs/requests (Please NO spam)...\n If you wanna go back just leave the email or pass in blank\n")
    gmailLogin = raw_input('\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Your GMail login (eg. [email protected]): ')
    gmailPass = raw_input('\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Your GMail Password: ')

    if (gmailLogin!="" or gmailPass != ""):
      msg = raw_input('\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Your Message: ')
      msg = MIMEText(msg)
      msg['Subject'] = "BT5UP " +str(get_version()) +" FeedBack"
      msg['From'] = gmailLogin
      msg['To'] = "[email protected]"
      server = smtplib.SMTP('',587)
      server.sendmail(gmailLogin, "[email protected]", msg.as_string())
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Thank you for your time...")

def menu_exploit():

    print("            Section: EXPLOIT TOOLS")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. Metasploit Framework.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. Exploit-db.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. SET - Social Engineering Toolkit.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Update all.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. Back.")
    ex_var = raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")


def menu_wireless():


        print("                        Section: WIRELESS & TELEPHONY")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. Aircrack-ng and Airdrop.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. WarVox.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. WiFite.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Dedected.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. Fern Wifi Cracker.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 6. Giskismet.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 7. Update all.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 8. Back.")
        w_var = raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")


def menu_web_db():
        print("                        Section: WEB & DATABASE")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. W3AF.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. Nikto.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. BeEF.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Sqlmap.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. SQLNinja.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 6. Fimap.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 7. JoomScan.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 8. WPScan.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 9. HexorBase.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 10. Update all.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 11. Back.")
        wd_war=raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")

def menu_other():
        print("                        Section: OTHER")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. Nessus.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. Wireshark.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. OpenVAS.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Nmap.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. Update all.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 6. Back.")
    c_var = raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")


        wr=raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Wireshark takes time to compile do you wish to wait [y/N]:")
def additional_tools():
def main():
    print("                        Section: MAIN")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. Update and clean Backtrack.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. Exploit tools.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. Wireless & Telephony.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Web & Database.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. Others.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 6. Update all.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 7. Update script.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 8. Changelog.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 9. Feedback (GMail).")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 10. Fix BT5 Bugs/Customize BT5.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 11. Additional Tools")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 12. Exit.")
    choice_var=raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")
        wr=raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Wireshark takes time to compile do you wish to wait [y/N]:")
def automated():
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvu", ["help", "version","update"])
    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
        print str(err)

    for o, a in opts:
        if o in("-v","--version"):
        print(" \n BT5UP V.: " +  str(get_version()) + " - Tool to keep your BackTrack Updated and get new tools\n Author: Bl4ck5w4n")
        print(" Feedback/Bugs: [email protected] || ||!/Bl4ck5w4n\n")
        elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
        print("\n\033[1;31m -----------------OPTIONS-----------------\033[1;m")
            print(" -v --version        VERSION")
            print(" -u --update         Update All except WireShark")
            print(" -u wireshark         Update All\n")
            print(" Example: bt5up -u wireshark\n")
        elif o in ("-u", "--update"):
          if (len(sys.argv)==3):
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Thanks for using bt5up, dont forget to visit:\n")

if __name__=="__main__":
  if (len(sys.argv) > 1):

[quote='konspirasi' pid='36080' dateline='1353754120']
thx udh share bro

iya sama2 om...
maaf yah kalo acak2an....
hehehe Tongue:-
om kalo cara liat akun ane udah registtrasi apa blum gmn yah om..???

[quote='konspirasi' pid='36080' dateline='1353754120']
thx udh share bro

ya om sama2...
maaf kalo acak2an...
om kalo cara liat akun ane dah registrasi apa blum gmn ya...??

(11-24-2012, 06:48 PM)konspirasi Wrote: thx udh share bro

bagi yang susah download ini source codenya:
# This is a update script for Backtrack 5.
# Rewritten by: bl4ck5w4n aka MaXFX in BT Forum
# Mail: [email protected]
# Blog:
# Original autor Sickness  (Coded in C)

import  os, time, inspect,sys,fileinput
import smtplib, getopt
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from time import gmtime, strftime

mods = '/pentest/bt5up/mods' # Path for the additional tools module

global tsleep
tsleep = 2

if os.path.isdir(mods):
   os.system('mkdir -p '+ mods)
   os.system('cd ' + mods + ' && wget /bt5up/mods/ -c -q') #CHANGE TO URL
import tools

def get_version():
      curversion = 1.5
      return curversion

def backtrack_update():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating and cleaning Backtrack, please wait.")

    if(os.system("apt-get update && apt-get -y dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get -y autoclean") == 0):
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Backtrack updated and cleaned successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Backtrack.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Backtrack' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def exploit_db():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Exploit-db, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/exploits/exploitdb/platforms/ && svn up") == 0):
                   print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Exploit-db updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Exploit-db.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Exploit-db' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def Set():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating SET, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/exploits/set/ && svn up") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m SET updated successfully!")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update SET.")
      os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update SET' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def warvox():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Warvox, please wait.")
    if(os.system("cd /pentest/telephony/warvox/ && svn up") == 0):
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Warvox updated successfully!")
        if(os.system("rm -rf /pentest/telephony/warvox/ ; svn co /svn/warvox/trunk /pentest/telephony/warvox") == 0):
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Warvox updated successfully!")
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Warvox")
              os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Warvox' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def aircrack():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Aircrack-NG and Airodump, please wait.")
    if(os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/ && svn up") == 0):
      os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/scripts/ && chmod a+x airodump-ng-oui-update && ./airodump-ng-oui-update")
      os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/scripts/ && make && make install")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Aircrack-NG and Airodump updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Aircrack-ng.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Aircrack' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def wifite():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating WiFite, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/wifite/ && python -upgrade") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m WiFite updated successfully!")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update WiFite.")
      os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update WiFite' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def fernwifi():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Fern Wifi Cracker, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/fern-wifi-cracker/ && svn update") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Fern Wifi Cracker updated successfully!")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Fern Wifi Cracker.")
      os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Fern Wifi Cracker' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def dedected():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Dedected, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/telephony/dedected/ && svn update") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Dedected updated successfully!")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Dedected.")
      os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Dedected' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def giskismet():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Giskismet, please wait.")
    if(os.system("cd /pentest/wireless/giskismet/ && svn up") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Giskismet updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Giskismet.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Giskismet' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def msf():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Metasploit, please wait.")
    if(os.system("msfupdate") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Metasploit updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Metasploit.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Metasploit' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def openvas():

    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating OpenVAS, please wait.")
        if (os.system("openvas-nvt-sync")== 0):
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m OpenVAS updated successfully!")
            print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update OpenVAS!")
            os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update OpenVAS' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def nessus():
  if(os.system("which nessus > /dev/null") == 0):
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Nessus plugins, please wait.")
    if(os.system("cd /opt/nessus/sbin/ && ./nessus-update-plugins") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Nessus plugins updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Nessus.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Nessus' >> /root/bt5up.log")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Nessus is not installed.")

def hexorbase():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Hexorbase, please wait.")
    if(os.system("cd /pentest/database/hexorbase/ && svn checkout /svn/") == 0):
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Hexorbase updated successfully!")
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update HexorBase!")
          os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update HexorBase' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def w3af():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating W3AF, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/web/w3af/ && svn up") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m W3AF updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update W3AF.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update W3AF' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def joomscan():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating JoomScan, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/web/joomscan/ && perl update") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m JoomScan updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update JoomScan.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update JoomScan' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def wpscan():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating WPScan, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/web/wpscan && svn up") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m WPScan updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update WPScan.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update WPScan' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def nikto():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Nikto, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/web/nikto/ && svn up") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Nikto updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Nikto.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Nikto' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def beef():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating BeEF, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/web/beef/ && ./update-beef") == 0):
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m BeEF updated successfully!")
        if(os.system("rm -Rf /pentest/web/beef;cd /pentest/web/;git clone git://;cd /pentest/web/beef/; ./update-beef") == 0):
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m BeEF updated successfully!")
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update BeEF")
              os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update SQLNinja' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def sqlmap():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Sqlmap, please wait.")
        if(os.system("cd /pentest/database/sqlmap/ && ./ --update") == 0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Sqlmap updated successfully!")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update SQLmap.")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update SQLmap' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def sqlninja():
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating SQLNinja, please wait.")
        if(os.system("svn co /pentest/database/sqlninja") == 0):
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m SQLNinja updated successfully!")
        if(os.system("apt-get purge sqlninja -y && svn co /pentest/database/sqlninja") == 0):
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m SQLNinja updated successfully!")
              print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update SQLNinja")
              os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update SQLNinja' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def nmap():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Nmap Fingerprints, please wait.")
    if(os.system("wget /svn/nmap-os-db -O /usr/local/share/nmap/nmap-os-db") == 0):
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Nmap updated successfully!")        
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update nmap!")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Nmap Fingerprints' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def fimap():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Fimap, please wait.")
        os.system("rm -Rf /pentest/web/fimap")
    if(os.system("svn checkout /svn/trunk/src/ /pentest/web/fimap")==0):    
            print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Fimap updated successfully!")
            print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to update Fimap!")
            os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Fimap' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def wireshark():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating Wireshark, please wait.")
    os.system("apt-get install autoconf libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libgeoip-dev libpcre3-dev libpcap0.8-dev libtool byacc flex -y")
    if (os.system("cd /tmp && svn co /wireshark/trunk/ wireshark")==0):
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Files downloaded successfully! Now the painful part... Be patient")
      os.system("cd /tmp/wireshark && ./")
      os.system("cd /tmp/wireshark && ./configure")
      os.system("cd /tmp/wireshark && make")
      if (os.system("cd /tmp/wireshark && make install")==0):
      os.system("rm -Rf /tmp/wireshark")
      if (os.path.isfile('/usr/local/share/wireshark/init.lua')):
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Changeging init.lua file..")
        for lines in fileinput.FileInput("/usr/local/share/wireshark/init.lua", inplace=1):
          lines = lines.replace("disable_lua = false","disable_lua = true")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Wireshark installed successfully!")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Wireshark failed to install!")
      os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to update Wireshark' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def update():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Updating BT5UP script.")
    os.system("cd /tmp && wget /wp-content/uploads/2011/07/bt5up.tar -c -q")
    if os.path.isfile("/tmp/bt5up.tar"):
        os.system("tar -xvf /tmp/bt5up.tar -C /tmp/ > /dev/null")
    curfile = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
    pwd = os.getcwd() + str(curfile)
    os.system("rm -Rf " + pwd)
    os.system("mv /tmp/ " + str(curfile))
    os.system("chmod +x " + str(curfile))
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Update successfully! bt5up will restart, please wait...")
    python = sys.executable
    os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)

def bugs_fixs():  
    print("            Section: Fix BT5 Bugs/Customize BT5")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. Startx after login.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. Change Login message.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. Set PulseAudio to autostart.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Set wicd autostart.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. FlashPlayer 11.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 6. Back.")
        bugs = raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")

def startx():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Make startx as default...")
    os.system('echo \'if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ $(tty) == /dev/tty1 ];\n then \nstartx \nfi\' >> /root/.bash_profile')
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Done. Next time you reboot startx will start...")
def login_msg():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Edit the login message using nano")
    os.system("nano /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text")
    os.system("sh /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Next time you boot your message will be like that")
    os.system("nano /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text")
    os.system("sh /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Next time you boot your message will be like that")

def pulseaudio():
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Setting pulseaudio to autostart with Gnome")
    os.system("mkdir /root/.config/autostart")
    if (os.system('echo -e "\n[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nExec=/usr/bin/pulseaudio\nHidden=false\nNoDisplay=false\nX-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true\nName[en_US]=PulseAudio Sound System\nName=PulseAudio Sound System\nComment[en_US]=Start the PulseAudio Sound System\nComment=Start the PulseAudio Sound System" >  /root/.config/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop')==0):
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m PulseAudio should autostart with Gnome now")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to put PulseAudio in autostart")
        os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to put PulseAudio in autostart' >> /root/bt5up.log")

def wicd():
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Setting wicd to autostart")
      if(os.system("dpkg-reconfigure wicd; update-rc.d wicd defaults")==0):
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m wicd should autostart now")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to put wicd in startup")
    os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to put wicd in startup' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def flash():
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Installing FlashPlayer 11")
      if(os.system("cd /tmp && wget /get/flashplayer/pdc/")==0):
    os.system("aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla -y")
    os.system("rm -f /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/")
    os.system("rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/")
    os.system("rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/")
    os.system("rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/npwrapper*flash*so")
    os.system("rm -f ~/.mozilla/plugins/*flash*so")
    os.system("mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins")
    os.system("cd /tmp && tar -xvf install_flash_player_11_linux_i386.tar.gz")
    os.system("mv /tmp/ ~/.mozilla/plugins/")
    print('\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Restart Firefox and the FlashPlayer should be working now...')
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Failed to install FlashPlayer")
    os.system("echo '"+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) +" - Failed to install FlashPlayer' >> /root/bt5up.log")
def latest_version():
    lversion = 0
    if os.path.isfile("/tmp/version.txt"):
        os.system("cd /tmp && wget /wp-content/uploads/2011/07/version.txt -c -q")
    return lversion

def clean_exit():
      print("\n\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Cleaning temporary files and leaving...")
      if os.path.isfile("/tmp/version.txt"):
    os.system("rm /tmp/version.txt")
      if os.path.isfile("/tmp/bt5up.tar"):
    os.system("rm /tmp/bt5up.tar")
      if os.path.isfile("/tmp/"):
    os.system("rm /tmp/")
      if os.path.isfile("/tmp/addtools_version.txt"):
    os.system("rm /tmp/addtools_version.txt")
      print("\n\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Thanks for using bt5up dont forget to visit: ")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m If something went wrong check the log at /root/bt5up.log")
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m For more options on how to use bt5up use: bt5up -h\n")
def header():
    print('\033[1;31m                                        ,   ,')
    print('                                        $,  $,     ,')
    print('                                        "ss.$ss. .s')
    print('                                ,     .ss$$$$$$$$$$s,')
    print('                                $. s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$`$$Ss')
    print('                                "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o$$$       ,')
    print('                               s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s,  ,s')
    print('                              s$$$$$$$$$"$$$$$$""""$$$$$$"$$$$$,')
    print('                              s$$$$$$$$$$s""$$$$ssssss"$$$$$$$$"')
    print('                             s$$$$$$$$$$         `"""ss"$"$s""')
    print('                             s$$$$$$$$$$,              `"""""$  ')
    print('                             s$$$$$$$$$$$$s,... ')

    print("\033[1;37m                     [Back||Track 5 R3 Update]\033[1;m")
        print(" Author: Bl4ck5w4n")
        print(" Feedback/Bugs : [email protected] ||  || @Bl4ck5w4n")
        if (float(get_version()) < float(latest_version())):
      print("        Installed Version: \033[1;31m" + str(get_version()) + "\033[1;m Latest Version:\033[1;37m " + str(latest_version()) +"\033[1;31m------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[1;m")
      print("        Installed Version: \033[1;32m" + str(get_version()) + "\033[1;m Latest Version:\033[1;37m " + str(latest_version()) +"\033[1;31m------------------------------------------------------------------------------\033[1;m")
def changelog():
    os.system("cd /tmp && wget /wp-content/uploads/2011/07/changelog.txt -o /dev/null")
    os.system("less /tmp/changelog.txt")

def gmail():

    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Send me some feeback/bugs/requests (Please NO spam)...\n If you wanna go back just leave the email or pass in blank\n")
    gmailLogin = raw_input('\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Your GMail login (eg. [email protected]): ')
    gmailPass = raw_input('\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Your GMail Password: ')

    if (gmailLogin!="" or gmailPass != ""):
      msg = raw_input('\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Your Message: ')
      msg = MIMEText(msg)
      msg['Subject'] = "BT5UP " +str(get_version()) +" FeedBack"
      msg['From'] = gmailLogin
      msg['To'] = "[email protected]"
      server = smtplib.SMTP('',587)
      server.sendmail(gmailLogin, "[email protected]", msg.as_string())
      print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Thank you for your time...")

def menu_exploit():

    print("            Section: EXPLOIT TOOLS")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. Metasploit Framework.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. Exploit-db.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. SET - Social Engineering Toolkit.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Update all.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. Back.")
    ex_var = raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")


def menu_wireless():


        print("                        Section: WIRELESS & TELEPHONY")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. Aircrack-ng and Airdrop.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. WarVox.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. WiFite.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Dedected.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. Fern Wifi Cracker.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 6. Giskismet.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 7. Update all.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 8. Back.")
        w_var = raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")


def menu_web_db():
        print("                        Section: WEB & DATABASE")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. W3AF.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. Nikto.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. BeEF.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Sqlmap.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. SQLNinja.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 6. Fimap.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 7. JoomScan.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 8. WPScan.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 9. HexorBase.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 10. Update all.")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 11. Back.")
        wd_war=raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")

def menu_other():
        print("                        Section: OTHER")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. Nessus.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. Wireshark.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. OpenVAS.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Nmap.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. Update all.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 6. Back.")
    c_var = raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")


        wr=raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Wireshark takes time to compile do you wish to wait [y/N]:")
def additional_tools():
def main():
    print("                        Section: MAIN")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 1. Update and clean Backtrack.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 2. Exploit tools.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 3. Wireless & Telephony.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 4. Web & Database.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 5. Others.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 6. Update all.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 7. Update script.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 8. Changelog.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 9. Feedback (GMail).")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 10. Fix BT5 Bugs/Customize BT5.")
    print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 11. Additional Tools")
        print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m 12. Exit.")
    choice_var=raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Enter your choice: ")
        wr=raw_input("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Wireshark takes time to compile do you wish to wait [y/N]:")
def automated():
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvu", ["help", "version","update"])
    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
        print str(err)

    for o, a in opts:
        if o in("-v","--version"):
        print(" \n BT5UP V.: " +  str(get_version()) + " - Tool to keep your BackTrack Updated and get new tools\n Author: Bl4ck5w4n")
        print(" Feedback/Bugs: [email protected] ||  ||!/Bl4ck5w4n\n")
        elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
        print("\n\033[1;31m -----------------OPTIONS-----------------\033[1;m")
            print(" -v --version        VERSION")
            print(" -u --update         Update All except WireShark")
            print(" -u wireshark         Update All\n")
            print(" Example: bt5up -u wireshark\n")
        elif o in ("-u", "--update"):
          if (len(sys.argv)==3):
          print("\033[1;31m [>]\033[1;m Thanks for using bt5up, dont forget to visit: \n")

if __name__=="__main__":
  if (len(sys.argv) > 1):

om, di line ke 58 Error tuh Smile)

(11-26-2012, 12:35 PM)mhusehaalBT Wrote:
(11-24-2012, 06:48 PM)konspirasi Wrote: thx udh share bro
ya om sama2...
maaf kalo acak2an...
om kalo cara liat akun ane dah registrasi apa blum gmn ya...??

udah dicek hasilnya udah regis kok

(11-26-2012, 06:03 PM)[H2] Wrote: om, di line ke 58 Error tuh Smile)

itu dicopas langsung dari sourcenya bro, line 58 error berarti pas else, errornya apa? mungkin keliru indentasinya

tengkiu brader.....ijin coba, nie lg running...

ini syntax mirip apt-get update yah bang?

mas kok eror di line 27 ya
gmana solusinya
katanya TO URL

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