[ask]konfigurasi sendmail pada debian 6
misi om om,,ini mau bantu TA kakak kelas tentang sendmail

ini konfigurasi nya

# $Sendmail: debproto.mc,v 8.14.3 2010-09-21 11:05:34 cowboy Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Richard Nelson.  All Rights Reserved.
# cf/debian/sendmail.mc.  Generated from sendmail.mc.in by configure.
# sendmail.mc prototype config file for building Sendmail 8.14.3
# Note: the .in file supports 8.7.6 - 9.0.0, but the generated
#    file is customized to the version noted above.
# This file is used to configure Sendmail for use with Debian systems.
# If you modify this file, you will have to regenerate /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
# by running this file through the m4 preprocessor via one of the following:
#    * make   (or make -C /etc/mail)
#    * sendmailconfig
#    * m4 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
# The first two options are preferred as they will also update other files
# that depend upon the contents of this file.
# The best documentation for this .mc file is:
# /usr/share/doc/sendmail-doc/cf.README.gz
#   Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Richard Nelson.  All Rights Reserved.
#  This file is used to configure Sendmail for use with Debian systems.
VERSIONID(`$Id: sendmail.mc, v 8.14.3-9.4 2010-09-21 11:05:34 cowboy Exp $')
dnl # Items controlled by /etc/mail/sendmail.conf - DO NOT TOUCH HERE
dnl # Items controlled by /etc/mail/sendmail.conf - DO NOT TOUCH HERE
dnl #
dnl # General defines
dnl #
dnl # SAFE_FILE_ENV: [undefined] If set, sendmail will do a chroot()
dnl #    into this directory before writing files.
dnl #    If *all* your user accounts are under /home then use that
dnl #    instead - it will prevent any writes outside of /home !
dnl #   define(`confSAFE_FILE_ENV',             `')dnl
dnl #
dnl # Daemon options - restrict to servicing LOCALHOST ONLY !!!
dnl # Remove `, Addr=' clauses to receive from any interface
dnl # If you want to support IPv6, switch the commented/uncommentd lines
dnl #
dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Family=inet6, Name=MTA-v6, Port=smtp, Addr=::1')dnl
#DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Family=inet,  Name=MTA-v4, Port=smtp, Addr=')dnl
dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Family=inet6, Name=MSP-v6, Port=submission, M=Ea, Addr=::1')dnl
#DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Family=inet,  Name=MSP-v4, Port=submission, M=Ea, Addr=')dnl
dnl #
dnl # Be somewhat anal in what we allow
dnl #
dnl # Define connection throttling and window length
define(`confCONNECTION_RATE_THROTTLE', `15')dnl
dnl #
dnl # Features
dnl #
dnl # use /etc/mail/local-host-names
dnl #
dnl # The access db is the basis for most of sendmail's checking
FEATURE(`access_db', , `skip')dnl
dnl #
dnl # The greet_pause feature stops some automail bots - but check the
dnl # provided access db for details on excluding localhosts...
FEATURE(`greet_pause', `1000')dnl 1 seconds
dnl #
dnl # Delay_checks allows sender<->recipient checking
FEATURE(`delay_checks', `friend', `n')dnl
dnl #
dnl # If we get too many bad recipients, slow things down...
dnl #
dnl # Stop connections that overflow our concurrent and time connection rates
FEATURE(`conncontrol', `nodelay', `terminate')dnl
FEATURE(`ratecontrol', `nodelay', `terminate')dnl
dnl #
dnl # If you're on a dialup link, you should enable this - so sendmail
dnl # will not bring up the link (it will queue mail for later)
dnl define(`confCON_EXPENSIVE',`True')dnl
dnl #
dnl # Dialup/LAN connection overrides
dnl #
dnl #
dnl # Default Mailer setup

dnl # Masquerading options

ketika dijalankan

root@debian:~# m4 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
*** ERROR: FEATURE() should be before MAILER()
*** MAILER(`local') must appear after FEATURE(`always_add_domain')*** ERROR: FEATURE() should be before MAILER()
*** MAILER(`local') must appear after FEATURE(`allmasquerade')*** ERROR: FEATURE() should be before MAILER()

mohon pencerahannya Smile

makasih om Smile

-_-" haduh ane kagak tau om maaf
Every Second, Every Minutes, Every Hours, Every Days Its Never End

(05-09-2012, 02:05 PM)ekawithoutyou Wrote: -_-" haduh ane kagak tau om maaf

gpp om,,ane juga belum belajar, ini masih copas ta dia aja buat dipelajari ntar,,belum sempat oprekan

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