Merubah Resolusi Layar Backtrack 5 Di Netbook
(02-01-2012, 11:35 AM)raintrain Wrote: om kalo pas seting resolusi 1366x768 pas jalan normal n bagus, tapi setiap disetart ko resolousinya kembali lagi ke 800x600., kernel sama driver vga'a udah diupdate. vganya nvidia
tapi belum coba pake newrez, kalo pake newrez apa bisa jadi resolusinya tetep 1366x768

sepertinya bisa bro soalnya dilihat dari source skripnya ada perintahnya
echo "
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=$device $newrez
Exec=xrandr --fb $H"x"$V --output $device --scale $scale"x"$scale
Terminal=false" > ~/newrez-$newrez.desktop

$paneladd --launcher=$HOME/newrez-$newrez.desktop --right-stick


(02-01-2012, 01:27 PM)radityanoor Wrote: Ko eror ya om??
[Image: 2hz4mxt.png]

itu kenapa om?

itu karena driver vga-nya ga disupport sama versi xrander 1.3 keatas bro

bisa dilihat di line ini:
case $device in
    default)    zenity --info --title="Video Driver Issue" --text="
Cannot scale your video output!

Though your installed xrandr version is current
your video driver does not support the 1.3.x
options.  It is possible that switching to a
different driver would have this support."; exit 0 ;;

current=`xrandr -q | grep "^$device" | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -d"+" -f1`
default=`xrandr -q | grep -C 1 "^$device" | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
H=`echo $default | cut -d'x' -f1`
V=`echo $default | cut -d'x' -f2`
ratio=`echo -e "scale=2\n$V / $H\nquit" | bc`

Messages In This Thread
RE: Merubah Resolusi Layar Backtrack 5 Di Netbook - by iKONspirasi - 02-10-2012, 06:25 PM

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