Mengubah MAC Address setiap 10 Menit
om.. ada yang bisa bantu saya g? saya mw kombinasiin script yang dibuat sama @xsan-lahci dan mdk3, mac yang udah ganti td di write d whitelist.txt, saya coba ubah bashnya ko gagal trus ya..
while [ true ]

echo -n -e "insert your interface > "; tput sgr0
read maclu
ifconfig $maclu down
  echo macchanger -r $maclu > /root/whitelist.txt
ifconfig $maclu up

sleep 400
done #by-xsanlahci

apanya yang salah?
Security awareness should be the continuing practice of a skill and not the continuous reminder of a threat.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mengubah MAC Address setiap 10 Menit - by achmad_zzz - 12-23-2013, 10:49 AM

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