[SHARE] TorrentFlux Web Manager Upload/Download
Iseng-iseng lagi jalan-jalan diIP orang luar, nemu ini tools namanya TorrentFlux .
Ini tools udah lama, tapi ane baru taunya sekarang .wkwwkkw

Sebenernya ane masih kurang ngerti sama Torrent, setau ane ini sama seperti IDM .
langsung aja download toolsnya disini :

atau download langsung SourceForge

Tools ini berbasis web, jadi jalaninnya yaa pasti pake apache dan temannya mysql .
Ingat jalanin dulu service apache dan mysqlnya ..

Berikut adalah System Requirements :
Spoiler! :

System Requirements
-- A Linux Box (http://www.linux.com) Installed and working
properly. (tested on Debian, RedHat, Fedora, and others)

-- Apache Web Server (http://www.apache.org)

-- PHP Apache module version 4.1.x or better with MySQL, Session,
and PCRE support enabled (http://www.php.net)

-- MySQL database server (http://www.mysql.com) others also
supported through ADODB.

-- Python 2.2 or higher

-- SELinux should be turned off or configured to allow
TorrentFlux to work with files in the application Path.

-- Safe Mode must be turned off in the php.ini file.
TorrentFlux reads, writes files that Safe Mode will restrict.

-- allow_url_fopen (in the php.ini) must be on for torrent
fetching, RSS, and torrent searches. Second option is to
have the CURL libs installed. If you only plan on uploading
directly then these options do not matter.

-- CURL libs are required for some of the search engine modules
but not required for general opperation.

* BSD User notes: TorrentFlux uses the ps command to see what it
is running. Usually BSD does not allow the results to be large
enough for TF to work. To fix this, edit /etc/sysctl.conf to add
the following line


Without this set, the OS truncates the output of ps to only 256

terjemahin sendiri artinya yah :p

=>Klo sudah download Ekstrack filenya ke directori www . Biar gampang ubah nama foldernya jadi torrent
tar zxfv torrentflux_2.4.tar.gz

=>Selanjutnya buat dan Import databasenya .
+masuk dan buat database , password default mysql dibacktrack adalah toor
#mysql -u root -p
mysql > create database torrentflux; //BuatDatabase
mysql > use torrentflux; //MeUseDatabase
mysql > show tables; //CekTable
+import databasenya , Biar gk ribet buka terminal baru dan pindahkan dataSQL mysql_torrentflux.sql dari folder sql ke folder root. lalu ketikan perintah :
mysql -u root -p torrentflux < mysql_torrentflux.sql
lalu cek diterminal pertama apakah dataSQL sudah terImport apa belum.
klo sudah edit file config.php yang berada dalam folder html .
Sesuaikan Host,Database,User, dan passwordnya..

=>Kemudian buka browser ketikkan

Username dan password defaultnya adalah
user: goombah
pass: iama

Ampe sini aja, ane masih belum ngerti sama tools yg ini >< .
Klo temen-temen ada yg bisa jelasin lebih dalam lagi tolong dishare yah Big Grin

sedikit SSnya
Spoiler! :

[Image: Screenshot-1.png]
[Image: Screenshot-2.png]
[Image: Screenshot.png]

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Messages In This Thread
[SHARE] TorrentFlux Web Manager Upload/Download - by Kresna - 05-22-2013, 07:22 PM

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