nessus error sesaat scanning!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mas bro ane punya sedikit trouble nihhh..
kemaren pas ane mau belajar gunaiin nessus.. lgi proses scanning keluar alert begini:::

There was a problem communicating with the Nessus server. The server might not be responding or an unexpected response was received.If this problem persists, please contact your administrator. (Status Code: 0, Response: HTTP request error)

itu kenapa yah???

hasil penelusuran mbah gugel katnaya low memory n ada juga karena log file yg terlalu besar...
untuk log file udah ane coba hapus n restart nessus masih muncul pesan error ny pas dijalanin...

oia sekalian nanya requitment pc/laptop untuk nessus kudu gimana mas bro???
ane pake nessus 4.4.1

ada cara kah??? mohon inspirasinya AngryAngryAngry

edit nessusd.conf
kwrite /opt/nessus/etc/nessus/nessusd.conf

pastikan pada baris qdb_mem_usage value = low
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(05-04-2012, 12:20 PM)zee eichel Wrote: edit nessusd.conf
kwrite /opt/nessus/etc/nessus/nessusd.conf

pastikan pada baris qdb_mem_usage value = low

udah bang... udah ane coba tapi masih keluar error juga..

There was a problem communicating with the Nessus server. The server might not be responding or an unexpected response was received.If this problem persists, please contact your administrator. (Status Code: 0, Response: HTTP request error)

apa kudu nessus nya instal ulang aja bang??? atau upgrade jadi versi 5..

nyimak om biar tambah ilmuSmile
Spoiler! :

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