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(share) Perintah webshell - Printable Version

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(share) Perintah webshell - xsan-lahci - 08-13-2012

Assalamualaikum semua penghuni indonesian backtrack kembali lagi bersama si ganteng dr IBT wakakakak xsan-lahci now saya mau tanya nih udah pada punya webshell kan? yg udh masuk ke site atau yg masih di localhost Big Grin sama aja heheh kl udh nih ane mau share cara penggunaan perintah yg biasa saya jalankan di webshell

disini ane kasih contoh pake shell B0T4K-shell yg di runing [at] localhost aja hehe

[Image: 217984_266071850174916_1689235043_n.jpg]

perhatikan cursor yg ada di gambar Big Grin disitu perintah webshell di jalannkan

dan berikut beberapa perintah webshellnya
Quote:cat ./../mainfile.php = Config file.

ls -al = melihat isi dari directory

ifconfig {eth0 etc} = Ipconfig equiv.

ps aux = Show running proccess's. <---- ada shell yg sudah mengincludekan fitur ini

gcc in_file -o out_file = Compile c file.

cat /etc/passwd = List's accounts.

sudo = Superuser Do run a command as root provided you have perms
in /etc/sudoers.

id = Tells you what user your logged in as.

which wget curl w3m lynx = Check's to see what downloaders are

uname -r = Shows all release info (or) cat /etc/release.

uname -a = Shows all kernal info (or) cat /etc/issue

last -30 = Last logged 30 ip's can change to desired number.

useradd = bikin userbaru
usermod = Modify user account.

w = See who is currently logged on.

locate password.txt = Locates password.txt in current dur can use *.

rm -rf / = Please be carefull with this command, i cannot stress this

arp -a = Lists other machines are on the same subnet.

lsattr -va = ls file attributes on linux second extended file system

find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls = Finds suid files.

find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls = Finds suid files in current dir.

find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls = Finds all sgid files.

find / -perm -2 -ls = Finds all writable files and folders.

find . -perm -2 -ls = Finds all writable files and folders in current dir.

find / -type f -name .bash_history = Finds bash history.

netstat -an | grep -i listen = shows open ports.

cut -d: -f1,2,3 /etc/passwd | grep :: = From memory creates a user
with no pass.

find /etc/ -type f -perm -o+w 2> /dev/null = Write in /etc/passwd
cat /proc/version /proc/cpuinfo = Cpu info.

locate gcc = Finds gcc if installed.

set = Display system variables.

echo $path = Echo current path.

lsmod = Dumps kernal modules.

mount/df = Check mounted file system.

rpm -qa = Check patch level for RedHat 7.0.

dmesg = Check hardware info.

cat /etc/syslog.conf = Log file.

uptime = Uptime check.

cat /proc/meminfo = Memory check.

find / -type f -perm -4 -print 2> /dev/null = Find readble files.

find / -type f -perm -2 -print 2> /dev/null = Find writable files.

chmod ### $folder = Chmod folder.

ls -l -b = Verbosly list directory's


warna merah = menunjukan perintah
warna biru = menunjukan kegunaanya

silahkan di tambahkan bro Big Grin explore your brain Big Grin semoga membantu hahaha
note : for my shell dont use for blackhat job :badpc:

RE: (share) Perintah webshell - bee1k - 08-14-2012

mantapp om Smile

emang bingung ane cara makenya ijin copy shellnya Big Grin

RE: (share) Perintah webshell - Backtrack Dragon - 08-14-2012

Mungkin bisa dijelaskan lebih lanjut fungsi-fungsinya biar newbe sepertiku bisa mengerti soalnya masih bingung nih Big Grin

RE: (share) Perintah webshell - iyan squid - 08-14-2012

#meskipun ane belom tw apaan..
discus online dunk om xsan biar terasa nikmatnya ^_^
lebih tw jadinya..

RE: (share) Perintah webshell - xsan-lahci - 08-14-2012

(08-14-2012, 12:13 AM)bee1k Wrote: mantapp om Smile

emang bingung ane cara makenya ijin copy shellnya Big Grin

haha monggo
(08-14-2012, 12:18 AM)Backtrack Dragon Wrote: Mungkin bisa dijelaskan lebih lanjut fungsi-fungsinya biar newbe sepertiku bisa mengerti soalnya masih bingung nih Big Grin

sebenernya ini perintah dasar linux om Big Grin perintah ini berjalan dengan server yg pake linux
(08-14-2012, 12:21 AM)iyan squid Wrote: mantap..
#meskipun ane belom tw apaan..
discus online dunk om xsan biar terasa nikmatnya ^_^
lebih tw jadinya..

i'm on irc Big Grin ayo kita share disana

RE: (share) Perintah webshell - Junior Riau - 08-14-2012

cek mesin cuci om,,ada cendol kuning wkwkw

RE: (share) Perintah webshell - xsan-lahci - 08-14-2012

wakakakak thanks momod Smile

RE: (share) Perintah webshell - cpanelicious - 08-14-2012

makasih om buat sharingnya
yang saya mau tanyain, gimana kalo server target ternyata windows om bukan linux, apakah perintahnya juga sama ?

RE: (share) Perintah webshell - xsan-lahci - 08-14-2012

tentu beda masbro Smile kan perintah cmd windows dengan cmd/terminal linux beda om Big Grin contoh perintah delete/hapus di linux

linux = rm (atau remove)
windows = del (atau delete)

cm itu yg ane tau soalnya udh 2 tahun ga pake windows iki hehe

RE: (share) Perintah webshell - koecroet - 08-14-2012

wah mantap bro.
