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Merubah Resolusi Layar Backtrack 5 Di Netbook - Printable Version

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RE: Merubah Resolusi Layar Backtrack 5 Di Netbook - iKONspirasi - 02-01-2012

boleh liat isi di dalem skrip newrez nya ga?

RE: Merubah Resolusi Layar Backtrack 5 Di Netbook - ekawithoutyou - 02-10-2012

(02-01-2012, 02:09 PM)konspirasi Wrote: boleh liat isi di dalem skrip newrez nya ga?

ni om scriptnya newrez :p

# Marc Brumlik, Tailored Software Inc, [email protected]
# Mon Nov  8 18:34:40 CST 2010

# newrez v 0.8
# actually the same as 0.7, but bundled with newrez-v

# use xrandr to scale the display to a new resolution

umask 000

# we MUST be running xrandr 1.3 or higher
if xrandr -v | grep "RandR version 1.[012]"
    then    zenity --info --title="XRandR version is too old" --text="You must be running Xrandr
version 1.3 or newer!
Time to upgrade your system  :-)"
        exit 0

# find the currently connected devices, make a list
devices=`xrandr -q | grep connected | grep -v disconnected | cut -d"(" -f1`

# if there is more than one, ask user which to change
case `echo "$devices" | wc -l` in
    1)    device=`echo $devices| cut -d" " -f1` ;;
    *)    devices=`echo "$devices" | sed -e 's/ /_/g' -e 's/^/FALSE /'`
        while true
        device=`zenity --list --radiolist --title="Choose Device" --text="Which device do you\nwant to change" --column Select --column Device $devices` || exit 0
        device=`echo $device | cut -d"_" -f1`
        [ -z "$device" ] || break
        done ;;

case $device in
    default)    zenity --info --title="Video Driver Issue" --text="
Cannot scale your video output!

Though your installed xrandr version is current
your video driver does not support the 1.3.x
options.  It is possible that switching to a
different driver would have this support."; exit 0 ;;

current=`xrandr -q | grep "^$device" | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -d"+" -f1`
default=`xrandr -q | grep -C 1 "^$device" | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
H=`echo $default | cut -d'x' -f1`
V=`echo $default | cut -d'x' -f2`
ratio=`echo -e "scale=2\n$V / $H\nquit" | bc`

echo DEFAULT: $H $V

while true
    newrez=`zenity --entry --title="Set New Resolution" --text="Default Resolution: $H"x"$V
Current Resolution: $current

New horizontal width (eg 1280 or 1600)"` || exit 0
    case $newrez in
        [0-9][0-9]*[0-9])    break ;;

scale=`echo -e "scale=2\n$newrez / $H\nquit" | bc`

echo SCALE $scale

H=`echo -e "scale=2\n$H * $scale\nquit" | bc | cut -d"." -f1`
V=`echo -e "scale=2\n$V * $scale\nquit" | bc | cut -d"." -f1`

echo NEW: H V $H $V

if xrandr --fb $H"x"$V --output $device --scale $scale"x"$scale 2>/tmp/xrandr.err
    then    : success
    else    zenity --info --title="Xrandr failed to set new resolution" --text="`cat /tmp/xrandr.err`

The problem could be that
Your video driver does not support version 1.3

Try a different resolution before giving up"
        exit 0
        rm -f /tmp/xrandr.err

echo xrandr --fb $H"x"$V --output $device --scale $scale"x"$scale > ~/newrez-$device-$newrez

paneladds=`locate gnome-panel-add`
for each in "$paneladds"
    if file $each | grep "python script" >/dev/null 2>&1
        then    paneladd="$paneladd $each"
gpversion=`gnome-panel --version 2>&1 | awk '{print $3}'`
# "--version" not supported in newer releases
echo $gpversion | grep -y "version" && gpversion="9.99"
echo $gpversion | grep -y "command" && gpversion="0.00"
gpinteger=0`echo $gpversion | cut -c1,3-4`
if [ "$gpinteger" -lt "0228" ]
    then    gmsg="
Your gnome-panel is version $gpversion
and gnome-panel-add requires 2.28.0"

case `echo $paneladd | wc -w`$gmsg in
    0|*Your*)    zenity --info --title="Create Launcher" --text="
Cannot automatically create launcher icon.
\"gnome-panel-add\" could not be found.
$gmsg"; exit 0 ;;
    1)    zenity --question --title="Create Launcher" --text="Would you like a launcher
icon for the $newrez resolution?" || exit 0 ;;
    *)    zenity --info --title="Create Launcher" --text="
Cannot automatically create launcher icon.
It seems there is more than one python
script named gnome-panel-add on your
system and I do not know which to use"; exit 0 ;;

icon=`find /usr/share/icons -name "*display*" -print | head -1`

echo "
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=$device $newrez
Exec=xrandr --fb $H"x"$V --output $device --scale $scale"x"$scale
Terminal=false" > ~/newrez-$newrez.desktop

$paneladd --launcher=$HOME/newrez-$newrez.desktop --right-stick

RE: Merubah Resolusi Layar Backtrack 5 Di Netbook - iKONspirasi - 02-10-2012

(02-01-2012, 11:35 AM)raintrain Wrote: om kalo pas seting resolusi 1366x768 pas jalan normal n bagus, tapi setiap disetart ko resolousinya kembali lagi ke 800x600., kernel sama driver vga'a udah diupdate. vganya nvidia
tapi belum coba pake newrez, kalo pake newrez apa bisa jadi resolusinya tetep 1366x768

sepertinya bisa bro soalnya dilihat dari source skripnya ada perintahnya
echo "
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=$device $newrez
Exec=xrandr --fb $H"x"$V --output $device --scale $scale"x"$scale
Terminal=false" > ~/newrez-$newrez.desktop

$paneladd --launcher=$HOME/newrez-$newrez.desktop --right-stick


(02-01-2012, 01:27 PM)radityanoor Wrote: Ko eror ya om??
[Image: 2hz4mxt.png]

itu kenapa om?

itu karena driver vga-nya ga disupport sama versi xrander 1.3 keatas bro

bisa dilihat di line ini:
case $device in
    default)    zenity --info --title="Video Driver Issue" --text="
Cannot scale your video output!

Though your installed xrandr version is current
your video driver does not support the 1.3.x
options.  It is possible that switching to a
different driver would have this support."; exit 0 ;;

current=`xrandr -q | grep "^$device" | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -d"+" -f1`
default=`xrandr -q | grep -C 1 "^$device" | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
H=`echo $default | cut -d'x' -f1`
V=`echo $default | cut -d'x' -f2`
ratio=`echo -e "scale=2\n$V / $H\nquit" | bc`

RE: Merubah Resolusi Layar Backtrack 5 Di Netbook - denny20012010 - 03-10-2012

solusinya gmna nii om...??? Angry

RE: Merubah Resolusi Layar Backtrack 5 Di Netbook - G.1660.LO - 03-15-2012

ijin comot om....

RE: Merubah Resolusi Layar Backtrack 5 Di Netbook - m1ch43lss - 05-14-2012

bisa ganti layar ke resolusi ke lebih besar tetapi kok mouse ane jadi ilang gak ada ico nya

RE: Merubah Resolusi Layar Backtrack 5 Di Netbook - Syahrul Ramadhan N - 11-28-2014

Tiap restart kembali ke semula. Cara biar newrez berjalan ketika startup gmna bro?