Numpang minta tolong tester tools
kemarin gk ada kerjaan iseng bikin tools .. eh ternyata kebentuk juga walau asal2an..hahaha.. ane minta di coba yahh.. nnti kita coba kembangin sama2

baru tes di launch
nomiyachan v.01
tools ini berfungsi membantu sysadmin untuk melakukan jobs monitoring ...

makasih teman2 .. ditunggu reportnya di mari

UPDATE versi 2.0
FOLLOW @DutaLinux
for more question and sharing about security and Opensource only

.bin file?
bukanya pake apaan om? Smile
Yang putih, yang seharusnya ber-aksi dan berbakat!
Linuxtivist blog

tinggal download terus chmod +x


FOLLOW @DutaLinux
for more question and sharing about security and Opensource only

eksekusinya gimana tuh om,, ane kok ga bisa.
An Ordinary Indonesian. Rakyat Indonesia biasa saja.

Siiip.... Bos.... L0v3 SUSAN..... hehehehe
OM menu nya kug ad beberapa yg masih belum tersedia.... Big Grin Smile

eh busett ..
semua tools pke nama sang kekasih ..wkwkkw

ok ane duluan dah yg review Smile

root@shadows-tampan# cd Lokasi_tools
root@shadows-tampan:~ Lokasi_tools# chmod +x nomiyachan
root@shadows-tampan:~ Lokasi_tools# ./nomiyachan

Quote:arping: invalid option -- 'f'
[i] |===============================================================|
[i] | |
[i] | Linux security tools |
[i] | By Zee Eichel |
[i] | Dedicated To my hearth |
[i] | susan nidya putri |
[i] | |
[i] | Home : www[dot]indoensianbacktrack[dot]or[dot]id |
[i] | Email Me : zee.eichel@indonesianbacktrack[dot]or[dot]id |
[i] | |
[i] |============================0000===============================|
[i] | NOMIYACHAN ver.01 |
[i] |============================0000===============================|
[i] | |
[i] |Deskrip : Network Tools Monitoring |
[i] |Category : Security Tool |
[i] | |
[i] |Thx To All Staff on & |
[i] |Greats for all staff and member at indonesian backtrack team |
[i] | |
[i] |Long live linux and fuck wi**o*s |
[i] | |
[i] |My Best Friend At This World ... and all linuxer |
[i] | |
[i] | |
[i] |==========================l0v3sus4n============================|

[w] Welcome bro, Cek sistem anda nyokk!!
Sistem Menu chek & monitoring
Analisa sistem
[1]Analisa Port
[2]Analisa routing
[3]Analisa system
[4]Analisa network
[5]Tools need
masukan pilihan anda :

review dari ane oms
belom coba2 isi dalem'a
hanya membantu untuk yg ga bisa jalan tools'a ..cmiw Confused

oiya deng, lupa :|
pake perintah chmod +x ya...

Spoiler! :

Quote:deprito@WindwetaAyu:~/Downloads$ ./nomiyachan
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
Error: either "dev" is duplicate, or "wlan0" is a garbage.
Usage: arping [-fqbDUAV] [-c count] [-w timeout] [-I device] [-s source] destination
-f : quit on first reply
-q : be quiet
-b : keep broadcasting, don't go unicast
-D : duplicate address detection mode
-U : Unsolicited ARP mode, update your neighbours
-A : ARP answer mode, update your neighbours
-V : print version and exit
-c count : how many packets to send
-w timeout : how long to wait for a reply
-I device : which ethernet device to use (eth0)
-s source : source ip address
destination : ask for what ip address
[i] |===============================================================|
[i] | |
[i] | Linux security tools |
[i] | By Zee Eichel |
[i] | Dedicated To my hearth |
[i] | susan nidya putri |
[i] | |
[i] | Home : www[dot]indoensianbacktrack[dot]or[dot]id |
[i] | Email Me : zee.eichel@indonesianbacktrack[dot]or[dot]id |
[i] | |
[i] |============================0000===============================|
[i] | NOMIYACHAN ver.01 |
[i] |============================0000===============================|
[i] | |
[i] |Deskrip : Network Tools Monitoring |
[i] |Category : Security Tool |
[i] | |
[i] |Thx To All Staff on & |
[i] |Greats for all staff and member at indonesian backtrack team |
[i] | |
[i] |Long live linux and fuck wi**o*s |
[i] | |
[i] |My Best Friend At This World ... and all linuxer |
[i] | |
[i] | |
[i] |==========================l0v3sus4n============================|

[w] Welcome bro, Cek sistem anda nyokk!!
Sistem Menu chek & monitoring
Analisa sistem
[1]Analisa Port
[2]Analisa routing
[3]Analisa system
[4]Analisa network
[5]Tools need
masukan pilihan anda : 1
Masukan pilihan anda untuk memulai menganalisa port
Analisa Port Methode
[a]seluruh port analisys
[b]tcp port analisys
[c]udp port analisys
[d]listening socket analisys
[e]mendata statistik seluruh ports
[f]mendata PID dan proses berjalan
[g]analisa proses tertentu
[h]analisa port tertentu

pilihan anda :f

mendata PID dan proses berjalan
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0 nx-in-f102.1e100.:https TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.face:www TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 nx-in-f102.1e100.:https TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.fa:https TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 nx-in-f102.1e100.:https TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.fa:https TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 a96-6-255-139.deplo:www TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.face:www TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.fa:https TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.face:www TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.fa:https TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 a184-29-95-55.deplo:www TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 a23-2-27-55.deploy.:www TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.face:www TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.fa:https TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.fa:https TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.face:www TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 a23-2-27-55.deploy.:www TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.face:www TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 www-15-05-prn1.face:www TIME_WAIT -

[e]exit [m]kembali ke menu [d]kembali ke menu utama
masukan pilihan anda :

Mantab om Smile
dikombinasikan dengan netstat Smile
Yang putih, yang seharusnya ber-aksi dan berbakat!
Linuxtivist blog

sudah di added versi 2.0
FOLLOW @DutaLinux
for more question and sharing about security and Opensource only

tools keren nih om zee....
ijin make yah .. ntar ane report bugs kalo nemu

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